An Apology.................


Internationaly known
Jan 18, 2004
Jeffersonville NY
Im just writing to say Im sorry ,And to let you guys know I dont have a problem with any of ya`ll, I was just proving a point, Muffy thought she could come to Milanos board and start trouble, I just gave some back.Im not one to go to the admins. to snitch on anyone so this is why I did what I did.

I have posted on this board mabey 4 times in 2 years and everytime they were positive.Im not one to go out of my way to start trouble............

Again Im sorry........................................

Edit: I deleted all the posts I posted.......
dutchy said:
how old school are ya?? are we talkin Exodus, Death Angel Sacred Reich oldschool??pre ..........And Justice for All, those were the days!!!
Hows this for old school.................I started playing guitar in 1980........I bought Speading the disease a week after it came out, I remember buying Ride the lightning the day they put it on the shelves........Ive seen Overkill before they got signed,I saw Metallica with Cliff Burton, Anthrax when Scott still had hair, Slayer when Kerry king had hair, I remember when they came out with a revolutionary thing called a microwave oven and when everyone had a thing called the rotary phone...........................shall I go on?................
old school headbanger said:
Hows this for old school.................I started playing guitar in 1980........I bought Speading the disease a week after it came out, I remember buying Ride the lightning the day they put it on the shelves........Ive seen Overkill before they got signed,I saw Metallica with Cliff Burton, Anthrax when Scott still had hair, Slayer when Kerry king had hair, I remember when they came out with a revolutionary thing called a microwave oven and when everyone had a thing called the rotary phone...........................shall I go on?................
God, you're making me feel old now. :erk: Respect due friend. Not many would make a public apology after doing what you did.
Ulster Mosher said:
God, you're making me feel old now. :erk: Respect due friend. Not many would make a public apology after doing what you did.
Like I said Dude , It was to make a point, Muffy was being a asshole and nobody wanted to do a fucking thing about it...........well its over now........ fuck it............Its just a shame Muffy wasnt man enough to do the same.....................................
I dont owe you an apology for anything, so dont expect one. Im not even remotely sorry for anything I did.

old school headbanger said:
Its just a shame Muffy wasnt man enough to do the same.....................................
muffytheVampirelayer said:
I dont owe you an apology for anything, so dont expect one. Im not even remotely sorry for anything I did.
I never said you owe me an apology................... But thanks again for proving my point

old school headbanger said:
Its just a shame Muffy wasnt man enough to do the same