An evening at the NE Metalfest: Half dissapointment, Half Intense


May 22, 2003
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Yeah so i literally just got back from the New England Metal and Hardcore Festival (my first day this year, but Day 2 of the fest).Originally i wanted to get there when doors opened at 12 and be there for the strapping young lad signing session,though last night I wasnt even planning to go today cuz i had (and still have) a shitload of work to do. However, at about 5 i thought "fuck this", and put my work away and got in the car to go to Worcester. Strapping Young Lad were to go on at 6:10ish, so i thought i barely had enough time to get there and catch them. After getting a little lost (first time driving myself to worcester), i got there probably just a little after SYL went on. I thought that was okay, but then i had to stand in a fucking line that didnt move FOR A HALF HOUR IN THE RAIN!!! So i fucking missed SYL, but whatever. When i finally got inside the band Terror were playing. I fucking hate hardcore, thats all i need to say. Next up were god forbid, who i dislike so i went up to the venders and got the following merch (hurrah):

Cryptopsy shirt
Cryptopsy-And Then You'll Beg
Necrophagist shirt

and a free bloodbath poster!

So that was cool, but onto some real ass kicking: Cryptopsy. Holy shit. Ive never witnessed anything that tight and brutal in my life. Incredible, i may see them in CT next month. Their bassist made me want to put away my bass and cry in the corner. They made it worth the trip.

So in short, i hate lines, i hate school, and Cryptopsy made everyone else look like fags.

Day 3 will be better most likely.

This has been a Max update, i hope you enjoyed it.
Bleh......I'm not into that whole hardcore thing. I especially cannot stand growly vocals :puke:. I prefer my music with singing.
aw that sucks about syl. we had to stand in the cold rain (it was more like mist but still torture) for king diamond last night.
we'll just have to steal you and take you with us to the syl show in philly tomorrow night ;)
ct_thrash said:
aw that sucks about syl. we had to stand in the cold rain (it was more like mist but still torture) for king diamond last night.
we'll just have to steal you and take you with us to the syl show in philly tomorrow night ;)
haha woo
Wolftribe said:
Dan did a great job, he headbanged more than any of them and played flawlessly!

hahhah... There was this one time where I was front row while Dan was playing with Martyr when he did they "8" pattern headbanging and he whipped me so hard with his hair that he actually gave me a nosebleed and I'm not even kidding...
Dan is insane. When I saw him in LI with cryptopsy, his guitar like fell and went way (and i mean way) out of tune, he tuned the whole thing by ear in like 30 seconds flat.
Plus he covered all of Jon's solos perfect while headbanging and matched up with Alex. And hes a real cool guy :D.
metalskater7 said:
Yeah, I'm sure you like men too.

Look who's talking....

Bleh......I'm not into that whole hardcore thing. I especially cannot stand growly vocals :puke:. I prefer my music with singing.

That was kinda uncalled for ... Some death metal vocalists can sing! Lord Worms clearly doesn't but I dare you to find someone as tight and consistent as George Corpsegrinder (cannibal Corpse) or find someone that can sing like David Vincent (morbid Angel) ...

Death Vocal is actual singing and requires more technique than you can imagine!
Larf03 said:
That was kinda uncalled for ... Some death metal vocalists can sing! Lord Worms clearly doesn't but I dare you to find someone as tight and consistent as George Corpsegrinder (cannibal Corpse) or find someone that can sing like David Vincent (morbid Angel) ...

Death Vocal is actual singing and requires more technique than you can imagine!

How about John Tardy of Obituary. NObody beats him.
I love a good growly song. Given that its done right of course.

Larf03 said:
Wolftribe said:
Woah, thats metal

...Actually, getting a nosebleed so easilly is kinda wussy...

hahahaha, but you have to admit, it must have taken a pretty good whip to get your nose bleeding, which is still kinda cool.