An evening of Pagan Folk Metal -- this is where we listen and drink beer together!!

JayKeeley said:
I still think you might like Pagan Reign, what with your love of Moonsorrow and old In Flames. Let me post another one tonight just to give you another sample. (Alternatively, give it a little break and listen again, you never know).

No problem - hey, I love old Thyrfing as well so I'm more than happy to give it another shot. I'm guessing I'd have a lot of fun with their sound in a live setting at the very least.
J. said:
i'm sad that everyone loves gjallarhorn yet we have some that dont like Bathory, since you know, gjallarhorn gets 100% of their sound from Bathory. just stating it, not trying to start shit

It's cool man. Like I've said before it's the vocals in Bathory that just won't click with me, not the music. The vocals I heard in the Gjallarhorn track were vastly superior, IMO of course.
Erik said:
i'll just say this

i'll NEVER accept that people can like ANYTHING more than bathory

You're certainly not alone, and there's no denying the influence they've had. A very, very important band to say the least. Out of sheer respect, I'll continue to give them a chance to win me over, however, even if they don't, I respect their place in the pagan/black/viking metal scene.

Dark One said:
That Kroda song is killer as well, with only the odd sounding horn being difficult to get used - amazing guitar work on that one.

It is an odd sounding horn. Traditional no doubt. For some reason, it makes me think "PREPARE FOR BATTLE" or something.
Erik said:
am i right in noting that your view on bathory has softened somewhat since your talk to NEMTHEANGA (<-- keyword'd) :loco:

Much of what was said before was tongue in cheek - just like your prior comments on "Morningrise". That said, yes my view has softened with repeated listens to "Hammerheart" as well as the sheer passion many of you have for Bathory.
Dark One said:
Much of what was said before was tongue in cheek - just like your prior comments on "Morningrise". That said, yes my view has softened with repeated listens to "Hammerheart" as well as the sheer passion many of you have for Bathory.'s amazing how DAMAGING that RC 'best album' poll really was. :lol:
JayKeeley said:
It is an odd sounding horn. Traditional no doubt. For some reason, it makes me think "PREPARE FOR BATTLE" or something.

Has a real "culturalistic" (made up word?) flair to it. Just takes some getting used to, like the stringed instrument Moonsorrow uses in many of their songs. Though this horn is certainly more dramatic to say the least.
By the way, the songs I posted weren't even the best ones on the albums -- in fact, they're probably the most 'average'. I did that on purpose just because if you eventually hear the full lengths, there's still a few good surprises in store.
JayKeeley said:'s amazing how DAMAGING that RC 'best album' poll really was. :lol:

Totally - I suppose most took it far less seriously than I did at the time. After what happened with that "RC Recommends" thread, I'm convinced I need to "lighten up" about that stuff. I'm passionate about what I love, and that's cool, but I can't expect others to be as well, no matter how hard I try.
JayKeeley said:
By the way, the songs I posted weren't even the best ones on the albums -- in fact, they're probably the most 'average'. I did that on purpose just because if you eventually hear the full lengths, there's still a few good surprises in store.

Great, there goes more $$'s from the empty wallet. :loco:
Erik likes Acid Bath!?!? What's the world coming to?!?

MFJ and EVAS: I was listening to the "All Hallows" ep =)