An evening of Pagan Folk Metal -- this is where we listen and drink beer together!!

JayKeeley said:
Ok, this was quite "meh." I read several reviews of this describing it as barely average, and I concur.

Didn't check this one out, but I own the album and am looking forward to hearing it in its entirety.

This was pretty fucking awesome.

By far the best track I just listened to! I'm going in search of this album stat.
MadeInNewJersey said:
that's cool

I'm virtually certain I wouldn't though ;)

does that mean you got rid of it?

yeah, but I could hook you up with a CD-R or something if you want it.

Who knows dude, you might like it a lot more than me. All I know is that I was totally fucking obsessed with it when I first got it. Still it's a great album with some unique stuff going on.
Haha I wasn't trying to imply that I broke the thing. Some fucking douchebag, (probably the same person who stole Derick's hood) broke into my car 8 months ago and literally stole 80 cd's. Sunchariot's - Harvest being one of them. :cry:
Someone needs to set up a metal mart distro hub where you can order from several outlets via a single catalog. The shipping and handling is per order (not per CD) and you just have to live with the fact that each order will be part shipped coming in from different locations.

I suppose that's GEMM though innit. :loco:
Reign in Acai said:
Haha I wasn't trying to imply that I broke the thing. Some fucking douchebag, (probably the same person who stole Derick's hood) broke into my car 8 months ago and literally stole 80 cd's. Sunchariot's - Harvest being one of them. :cry:

80 cd's...OUCH!!!! That nigguh probably found out they were OMGMETUHLWTF! and tossed em! :mad:
Doomcifer said:
80 cd's...OUCH!!!! That nigguh probably found out they were OMGMETUHLWTF! and tossed em! :mad:

That's what I seriously hoped for... It's a small amount of solace knowing that the bint probably didnt get any enjoyment from them. Along with the cd's, he also took 2 pairs of size 13 used sneakers. Fucker's probably using them to run away from the cops as we speak.