An idea to compare our techniques

We need a multitrack a hard rock or metal clip (if it is not black metal and it grooves, its always a plus) in 30-90 seconds of length. It can be an existing project (remember to ask permission from everyone involved) or can be done just for this exhibition purposes too.
So does anybody have at least some real miced drum recordings lying around (the rest could be done quickly by the forum members, I guess)? Or even better: A whole project (including the permission to (ab)use it for our purposes)?
So does anybody have at least some real miced drum recordings lying around (the rest could be done quickly by the forum members, I guess)? Or even better: A whole project (including the permission to (ab)use it for our purposes)?

I noticed that our studio at university is available on sunday, but I have no idea how bad the drums sound at the moment... But I can go and record some simple rockish stuff (as there is no double pedals) on drums on sunday if you guys quickly compose a song by saturday (two stereobounced mixes; with and without demo drums). I am not a top notch drummer, but for reference I played the drums on this (I'm going to make a final mix on april 20th, thats just a rough mix). Preferrably something around 180bpm at max at 4/4.

edit: I got someone to press rec for me if nessecary, so if you are up to this, let me know now/asap so I know should I reserve the studio
Sounds good to me (your post and your drumming). Just play the same stuff as on "Sex me up" and I can compose and record a matching guitar riff this weekend (DI, SM57/e606-mic'd Mesa 4x12, impulse-ready-poweramp-out to choose from, but my micing sucks a bit). Could do bass too, but I am no bass player. Some singing anybody?
I noticed that the studio is free today too for yet another 4 hours. If I setup a b52 for kick, SM57 x2 for snare, e604s for toms and NT5 for overheads and C414 for room I could prolly do it today already just to the click if you just tell me what is the tempo and how many bars of each loop?
We could ask if the Yasser Arafats are ok to lend us the song for the last try out they put here, as already a lot mixed it. I'm gonna send them a PM.

Thanks Ahjteam for your synthesis post.
OK, the click track including some POD'd guide-guitars playing the actual riffs is ready. It's here.
The song is 3 minutes long, at 88 (or 88*2=176) BPM, the structure is as follows:
(4 clicks count-in)
8 bars verse
8 bars chorus
8 bars verse
8 bars double time part
8 bars verse
16 bars chorus
(1 hit on the 1, fin)

Have fun!
Sorry, I had a major problem with the tracking; Someone had taken almost all the XLR cables, so 5 channels was all I coud do.

As I suspected, the drums weren't in that good of a shape, but neither were the cymbals. I could only find two stands so I used a crash and ride cymbals. But trust me when I say that these need editing...

Theres kick, snare, 2 toms and mono room ambience from 3ft away in the zips. I had a really much problems with the room mic, either I got barely signal or then it clipped alot, the room for adjustment was less than 1 millimeter, so I chose the latter one.

And sorry for the sloppy playing :) (kick and snare) (toms and room)
omg I had answered without refreshing so I didn't get that you were recording something together ! Right now I don't have the time for it but tomorrow I'll check all that. Good job dudes
Man, you're the ONE :notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy. Great stuff. Yes, the tracks might need some editing but... imagine this: A guy from france had an idea, some people from around the world (Finland, Ireland, the Netherlands, Germany...) talked about it and two days later I am sitting here and guess what? I am mixing drum tracks from Finland which have been recorded some hours ago with my guitars from Germany. OK, back to earthly things: The kick sounds beautiful! Very fat and punchy. I also like the raw sound of the snare. But I need get back to mixing. I will post a first rough mix this evening!
oh yeah, specs:

Played and recorded at Studio Avaria (not the actual picture from the sessions) by me, so setting the gains was pretty hard. Some of the tracks did clip, especially the room mic. Recorded 24bit 44khz into Pro Tools HD via Focusrite Octopre, highpass filter activated on the preamp on all channels except kick (I think its at 80zh). Room captured with AKG C414 (with omni pattern I think) about 3 ft away from the kit and aligned so that the snare and the kick were at a straight line torwards the mic. Kick was miced with Sennheiser e901, mic being at the bottom center of the drum, kick was damped with a pillow of some sort. Snare and toms were captured with Sennheiser e604 with rimclamp, were drums damped with moongel and/or duct-tape+paper. Cymbals were some beat up Turkish cymbals.
So here's my first roughmix with ahjteams' drums. Which must have been made by ahjteam in about an 1 hour including the recording setup. I say: from the first glimpse of the song structure (posted by me at 7:06 PM) to the posting of the .wav-files on the web (posted by ahjteam at 8:11 PM), dude... that is seriously SICK!!).
My guitars are still the guide-tracks, which has been recorded with my POD for simplicity. Real-world guitars will come this weekend (including a lead, hopefully). I will try to provide miced, DI and impulse-ready tracks for the guitars.
I recorded a bass track, too, but keep in mind that this has been recorded BEFORE the drums were recorded, so they do not fit together groove-wise.
@LaSedna: I found a thread started by you about your voice, so it is almost impossible for you to say: "I am no singer, I cannot contribute"! Talking about singers... your/our project (this thread) needs a singer (or technical: a vocal track), I guess. You started the thread and outed yourself as a singer (I proved it), so you're in, unless somebody better comes around and claims your title ;-)
BTW: I really dig your light(!) french accent in your voice. "light" because normally french people do have a *heavy* accent (Germans do also, I guess). I am into 80's trash metal anyway (and have all records of Trust :rock: and a T-Shirt, BTW. No trash metal, but french!)