An idea to compare our techniques

I had hard time finding the tune of the song when I tried tracking some basslines, what key is the song in and what is the tuning?

edit: my mix so far (RMS -18dB):

OK, now we're in!
ahjteam's drum mixing sounds tighter than mine. So I want to learn and want to talk about the snare first: you have a CamelCrusher distortion on every major drum track (bass and snare), what is your intention and what settings are you using? What is this "YOU WAS" thingy? To make a long story short: I want to know your frakking snare track settings, all of them.
It's a good idea, but we need more screenshots (EQ & Comp settings, etc).
What is this "YOU WAS" thingy? To make a long story short: I want to know your frakking snare track settings, all of them.

YOU WA SHOCK! its what I call "an instant boner maker" and its super easy to use: it only has one fucking big knob :rock: I found it when the link to that page was sent to KVRaudio forum under the alias name "Red Shine Sound" who wrote in badly written engRish, and later on it turned out it was made by the FL Studio guys as joke and to promote their MAXIMUS plugin, but I think YWS is amazing.

I have the Camelcrusher to give you some dirt and snap like you have a "fake lower snare mic". Just some tube distortion and compression, mix at 50% and volume to taste.

BUT! The eq between YWS and CC is pretty wild should I say...
highpass @ 58 hz
+13db @ ?? hz
+5dB @ ?? hz
+14dB @ ?? hz
-6dB @ 464 hz
-7dB @ 9300 hz
+5dB hishelf @ ?? hz

But the trick is that the Camel Crusher eats and evens out it all so you have a distortion that sounds kinda like what the lower snare mic would sound like :)

The first EQ is pretty straightforward, highpass, 3 cuts about -2..-6dB and 2 boosts 4dB each

It's a good idea, but we need more screenshots (EQ & Comp settings, etc).

I disagree to give out the settings right out of the box, but you can always ask :)
What about some screenshots with a little explanation of why you boost or cut certain frequencies, etc. Something like that. I think thats the idea.
I'll post the pictures when we have the full mix material because I will most likely change the settings. The thing with my settings is that I put the distortion plugins in first and then used the EQ in between to shape to soud so that it sounded better in my opinion. With the snare I boosted the frequencies that lacked (69, 145 and 333 for bottom end, hishelf 3600 for snap) and cut those frequencies that sounded bad when combined with the camel crusher (464, 9308), thats pretty much it. Its not rocket science you know. The area around 330 is pretty magical and works with everything; when you drop it, the sound isn't as cluttered anymore

With the kick The first EQ was a highpass filter at 30hz, lowshelf boost at 67hz (the e901 doesn't have that big of a low end), -6db mid drop at 168hz and 337hz (I don't like mud), a small and wide scoop at 2000hz and very narrow notch at 7150hz because those areas of attack didn't sound nice. and then a small hishelf boost at 3800hz to get the the overall attack a bit louder. The EQ between YWS and CC I cut wide and a lot of mud at 720hz and some at 186, nothing else.
I recorded a quick bass track (POD and DI version) and upped it to my server. I am no bass player and asked some bass players over at a bass-thread to participate in our project. It's a cheap Yamaha RB-something bass with passive pickups (typical P/J-style), only the neck pickup has been used. I played with a plec (bah!). The stuff is recorded with my Toneport (POD), so I have a DI-track which can be reamped or whatever and a processed track (BX-1974 Rock Classic amp model/BX-4x10 Classic Cab model, Compressor at -15dB on. Parts are copied and not played the whole song through.
Also, I don't have enough webspace nor do I have a high enough traffic-quota to post anything but high-bitrate MP3s at the moment. I will get an account in one of these dubious fileserving services in the next days.
And the track has been laid down BEFORE I got the drum tracks, so I did not know how the groove will be.
Very interesting thread and a pretty good way to learn something about mixing imho. Ok, you have drums, bass, guitars... I'd like to contribute something but I'm definitely no singer and my experience with synths is <NULL.

Cant'wait to hear first full mixes!!!
As I said in the other thread, I don't think that we have bass already! My track is only meant to have "something down there".
@Nukular! Aren't you a bass player, so you could jump in and lay down a track?
RiF said:
@Nukular! Aren't you a bass player, so you could jump in and lay down a track?
Nah, I'm no bass player... I started the "metal" bass thraed because I have absolutely no clue how to set up a bass tone... :erk:
OMG I leave for less than 24 hours and I come back discovering how fast you play the game :) I'm proud that my idea seemed a good one for so many persons !

I think now I have time I'm gonna make a synthesis in the first post, so that we can see where we are.

@LaSedna: I found a thread started by you about your voice, so it is almost impossible for you to say: "I am no singer, I cannot contribute"! Talking about singers... your/our project (this thread) needs a singer (or technical: a vocal track), I guess. You started the thread and outed yourself as a singer (I proved it), so you're in, unless somebody better comes around and claims your title ;-)
BTW: I really dig your light(!) french accent in your voice. "light" because normally french people do have a *heavy* accent (Germans do also, I guess). I am into 80's trash metal anyway (and have all records of Trust :rock: and a T-Shirt, BTW. No trash metal, but french!)

AHAHAH I'm not a singer, it's just I sometimes have fun "singing" alone and I just tried to sing as I have some mics around, but if nobody proposes as a singer I could try to make something correct but that seems a joke to me :lol: But if you think it's correct... Anyway thanks for the accent, I made a lot of efforts to learn your language. Yeah here Trust is really famous. I don't often like their songs but Antisocial stays a major tune of french metal aha !

Omg I have so much freebies to download and I'm trying to get back to the train I've launched !