An idea to compare our techniques


Say me if I did say something wrong, I've tried to put everything into it so anyone can see where we are. I'll try to keep it refreshed.

Just to be sure : RiF, you'll record actual guitars tomorrow ? If yes, with what guitar and amp/cab just to know ? If you do so, try to quadtrack them or if too hard doubletrack them with 2 mics each time, the "clayman thread" way with 2 mikes, that would be perfect !

Sill no bass player nor singer ?
I have a new proposition : everyone wanting to be able to exchange the project files send me a PM saying what DAW you use, so that I'll make a list for each one of who use it, so that you know with who you can exchange. This way you would be able to have their projects on your computer fully working.

Another thing : anyone using a freeby vst that is not on the list, tell it. I'll write it on the synthesis of the futur mixing thread so that we can post our thread the same way, pasting my code. It will be more readable and when you read it, you know what is used inside it.
- Add the cubase/protools/reaper example photos to the first post please.
- The tempo of the song is 88 or 176, whichever you prefer.
- As for the plugin list, that list I gathered is just some suggestions, not the "use only these plugins" list; I already noted in the rules that you can use ANY free vst/au plugins if they are freely distributed by the developer

- Vocals : ??? someone needed. RiF asked my to do them since I've played with my voice but I'm really not a singer aha. If nobody comes I could do them though but prey for your ears...

I'm no drummer either :) It's not about the performance, but just to have stuff. Remember to track as 24bit 44.1khz wav, same goes to RiF.

And when we have all the tracks, would someone please make a on zip folder of the files and upload it somewhere? (a lot of people seem to use )
It's a good idea, but we need more screenshots (EQ & Comp settings, etc).

That's why I came with the idea of all using the same DAW (Reaper now) as possible so we could send the project (just removing the wav files we'll be using) so that we could recreate the project of someone else, therefore we can see the actual settings of the person.
Just to be sure : RiF, you'll record actual guitars tomorrow ? If yes, with what guitar and amp/cab just to know ? If you do so, try to quadtrack them or if too hard doubletrack them with 2 mics each time, the "clayman thread" way with 2 mikes, that would be perfect !
Yes, I will record the guitars tomorrow. I will use a Les Paul Standard with stock pickups and a Charvel 750XL with a Duncan JB into a H&K TubeFactor into a Marshall 30th Anniversary into a Mesa 4x12 (Black Shadow Speakers) cab. For mics I'll use a SM57/e606-combo (so 2 mics for each take). I'll try to make as much tracks as possible so we can fiddle with quad-tracking (hopefully, I do not track with too much gain).
oh yeah and some more plugins:

Cockos ReaPlugs (win):
Christian Budde's plugins (win):
ePhonic plugins (win): (I highly recommend the LOFI plugin btw)
Audio Damage plugins (win + mac):
Studio Devil BVC (win + mac): (the only free ampsim for mac that I know of)
Acusticaudio Nebula 3 Free (win):

MDA and Togu Audio Line plugins are win + mac
George Yohng's W1 Limiter VST is win + mac
SIR1 link was incorrect, here is the right one:
Bootsy link was incorrect, here is the correct one:

and if those aren't enough, see the free plugins listed at KVR audio:
Aha I've spent some long time collecting them (also for myself), checking if they are Mac compatible. And there is now even more :) Eventhough I have already most of the known freebies, it's always good to check. Starting right now.
I noticed that I have a hard time with the low end with my monitoring (just got my new Genelec 8030 monitors, haven't gotten totally used to them yet), but this is the short clip to show you the version with the bass (It's RMS -16dB, so I still have one more dB to raise the loudness :))


LeSedna, could you please emphasize this sentence below (it reads already in the rules) with some nice bright color so that it catches the viewers attention like I did here below?

This exhibition is about mixing, not mastering, so aim your RMS as close as possible to -15dB RMS or less! -15dB RMS is not too quiet, but it is not too loud either (for reference levels Metallicas 'Enter Sandman' has -15dB RMS). Free frequency analyzer plugin with RMS metering (Voxengo SPAN) is available at
Done ! I think it's getting well organized. We're just waiting mostly the final tracks, and we'll start the interesting part, this weekend. I added the "solo needed". I also hope my english is not too bad !
btw, would someone like to edit the drums so that they don't sway as much? you don't need to quantize all the hits, but I think that the main hits (1-2-3-4) should be put to the grid. If nobody wants to do it, I can do it myself, but thats pretty good training material if you ask me :)
Yeah I was just wondering the same ! But I don't even know how to quantize, I mean, another way than pure destructive edition. I'd like to learn it, that could be useful in case of a drum session needing a little corrections.

I have to go so see you later. I'm sure I'm gonna come back and discover lot of stuff.
btw, would someone like to edit the drums so that they don't sway as much? you don't need to quantize all the hits, but I think that the main hits (1-2-3-4) should be put to the grid. If nobody wants to do it, I can do it myself, but thats pretty good training material if you ask me :)
Quantizing is pretty comfortable in Pro Tools, if you're familiar with Elastic Audio.