An interesting Email I received...

Human Life

You looking at me?
Jul 17, 2001
Central Florida
Hey Jon,
Thanks for supporting the show. You're not the only one ready for change. I've been pushing this show ever since I walked through the front door here at WJRR, and finally Pat Lynch was put in charge and gave me the green light to do Midnite Metal.
I'm not a big fan of all the music I play on the show either, but when I play some annoying shit I just think... "at least it's not Creed!". As far as the Opeth goes, I don't have anything from them yet. I will add them to the "must get" list. I will play some more Cradle of Filth for you though in the meantime!


For the record I requested to hear Bleak and Harvest on the radio. Books open at 1 : 50 odds, anyone want some of the action?

( Yes, i also requested COF...I know I am lame. )

On a broader note, what is the radio like in other countries? Is it saturated with "foreign limp Bizkits and Korns"? Or fo some cool bands get played?
Every thursday there is a recorded live "rock" concert on one of our (Swedish) radio channels. Sometimes there have been really good bands like In Flames, Dream Theatre, Paradise Lost etc.
But there's a lot of crap too...
The radio around here, and back in my hometown (thunder bay, ontario).. is terrible. When they aren't playing irritating pop, they're playing some hideously unrecognizeable Canadian fluff.

The only radio show worth mentioning is Brave New Waves, which airs weeknights at mightnight until I fall asleep ;)

they play an assortment of electronica, hardcore punk, and underground rap. etc.. and the host's voice is like butter ;) Every guy I know is in love with her voice.