ISIS - An email from Aaron Turner


Steal Your Face
Feb 18, 2003
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I'm posting this hear since I know a few in this forum to be ISIS fans....such as myself. I wrote an email to Aaron Turner just to gush on and tell 'em how much I love ISIS....and he was kind enough to write me back. I don't do that kind of thing fact the only other "rock star guy" (humor intended there) I've ever written was Mikael...and he also was kind enough to reply....anyway, here's the reply.

"hey jay,
i remember you from the SF show - thanks again for all your kind words. the best compliment that we could get is that we inspire someone - not just that they like our music, but that it really hooks em - and deep. sounds like that's the case with you, and we truly appreciate your comments... and on top of that we appreciate you coming out to see us - even when it's an expensive door price and we're opening....
as for the SF show disc i don't know when that'll surface - gotta get the art for it done and send it off to be pressed - so maybe march or so - just keep your eyes on our site - we'll post the news about it as soon as we get em in...
gotta run, but thanks again for all you sentiments and we'll see you next time we're in SF - probably won't be til the summer, but we gotta write some new songs so we don't have to lay the same ol set again. take care.

Pretty damned cool I thought. No biggee really....but just thought I'd share. Incidentally, when I met the guys from the band, they were all cool, down to earth, and generally decent folk. Oh, and the "SF show disc" referred to in the email is a live CD that will be out...well, when he said. They are releasing a couple from the last tour...on their own label. Cool.
Actually, there is info available about the new album. They are playing a couple of new tracks at shows now, and will be recording this summer.
Oceanic is one of the greatest albums ever. I cannot wait to hear what the new Isis will sound like, but if history is any indicator, I am sure that the new one will sound nothing like the last. Epic, mournful rage and resolution.