I saw ISIS last night....


Steal Your Face
Feb 18, 2003
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....and they fucking killed! Just thught I'd post this since there are some ISIS fans in here. They played only songs from OCEANIC, which means no CELESTIAL at all, but really that was fine; kind of refreshing actually to see a band just concentrate on what they are doing now. They were opening for Mogwai (whom I know little about), and I don't think many people came to see them....ISIS I mean. People got into it, but it was clear that they were pretty new to most. I spoke with Aaron Turner (vocals/guitar/genius) after and he was extremely cool, normal, laid back etc. I asked about when they might put something new together and he said that they'd be starting on the new record directly after this "tour", which is not much a tour at all since it's just these few dates with Mogwai.
Anyway, they sounded fucking amazing, really really looked like they gave a shit, and gave me one of the highlights of my concert going year simply by coming here, let alone by playing a fantastic show. They played the Fillmore....incidentally (San Francisco)....!
Great fucking night, great fucking show!!!1
Dan said:
I know Isis get mellow sometimes, but they must have been shocking to people who had never heard of them and went only for Mogwai.
ISIS and Mogwai are a perfect match live, because: 1. they rule beyond the rulers of rulerdom 2. they have a similar approach to song structure and dynamics 3. Mogwai have some metal riffage going on in their new album + ISIS have some serious mellow stretches.
They are both a lot heavier then Mogwai.... Isis make flowing, slow-mid paced metal that builds and drops in intensity kinda like a metal version of Mogwai or post rock.... an excellent band, check out "Oceanic"

As for Neurosis, well I don't know where to begin, they are my favorite band....

The are very slow, heavy, doomy, atmospheric, ambient, depressing, trance-like.... you know, music of the apocalypse type stuff. They are probably the "least happy" band I know. And they are absolutely incredible. Check out "Through Silver In Blood" for a really good example of their stuff, if you want something a bit more doomy and depressing, go with "Sun That Never Sets".... this one is slightly different sounding for them, its less sonically heavy, but its just as bleak and even more depressing. If you are a fan of Mogwai I would recomend this one too, as it definately has slight post-rock influences and builds in it.
Heres a couple songs by both I would recommend if they aren't on your list already...

Isis - The Other, Carry, From Sinking, C.F.T. (New Circuitry and Continued Evolution)

Neurosis - Purify, Strength of Fates, The Last You'll Know, Falling Unknown, From the Hill