An open letter to you chowderheads.


I'm starting to notice myself becoming more and more bitter lately. I hope I haven't been mean to anyone. If I have, sorry. I took a new job, I love it, but I'm working w/ a few whack jobs that consume much of my time and show little results for my labor. Plus, although I am making more $$$ than I ever have before, I am also spending more $$$ than I ever have before. You know the old saying about spending money to make money. I had to buy a new vehicle and I have to go to grad school, and those two combined are taking away half of my monthly income. It sucks. Throw in insurance, cell phones, food, and a gasoline, and I am poorer than I worked for minimum wage (but alas, had no responsibities). Plus, I rarely drink or do anything cool anymore, I don't have time to date anyone, so I am turning into an asshole day by day. Good night and remember, Uncle Ty loves you all.
Hang in there, Ty!
Glad you mentioned this/started this thread. I was kinda worried about you (not in a gay way).
Take care, and try not to get irritated by the polls/people on this board. I like the polls!