Letter to the editor


AA Is for quitters
Feb 4, 2002
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I just thought I would share with you my little rant to the programming director at The Zone:

Doesn't the fact that Anthrax has been voted winner of your Fight Club program for the last two weeks, and on top of your Top 20 list say anything to you? You falsely advertise your station as being harder faster and louder when in reality you've added a few over played classic rock songs in between the same songs 20 other stations in Chicago are playing over and over and over. Yes, I realize you're a top 20 station but if you want NEW listeners in Chicago then listen to what they want. More Metal, More often!! Even with Anthrax being number one you still don't play it? I realize it's not even that "Metal" of a song but the fans are trying to make a point, we would rather hear bands like them taking a collective dump on an eight track than have to listen to the over-played- wannabe-metal-karakoe-bands that are currently being played on yours and everybody elses station in Chicago.

I'll let you know if I get a response.
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Good job!!

I should give 'em an earful too. I like how they advertise their nights as the "extreme zone", but play the same crap bands as the rest of the day. I've got news for them Linkin Park and Korn are not "extreme".
RIF (wrif 101.1) here in Detroit does the same shit. It's either a Linkin Park song or fucking Billy Squier. "RIFF ROCKS"...what-fuckin-ever, thier PD rocks my nut sack, thats what!!! :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump:
You know it's bad where you live when the only decent radio station in your area is a "Classic Rock" station. All the hard/heavy metal stations around Green Bay are a bunch of shit. And Milwaukee's worse.

And people wonder why I've opted to buy over 600 CDs instead of the trash on the radio...
Thankyou for that "nice" rant...well done! You are a good representative for all us diehard Anthrax fans. All those so-called "hard rock" stations are just killing themselves by not playing good music like Anthrax. No matter what it is they play, NOBODY does it better than 'Thrax!!!(thats why they are my favorite band of all time!)...and they do it with CLASS!! :)
I gotta agree on this one ! Bad.. , you totally rawk ! The station where I live "FM99-The Home of Rock n Roll " plays the same shit over and over and over again....mainstream wanna be metal/rock bands. I gave up listening to it for awhile, but have been requesting them to play "Safe Home", which btw I have yet to hear...

If I ever win the lotto I'm buying my own station and play the music that people really wanna hear ... PURE METAL ! :rock: :rock:
ladyrocks said:
If I ever win the lotto I'm buying my own station and play the music that people really wanna hear ... PURE METAL ! :rock: :rock:
When you win, lend me the $$$$ to buy a house within your listening area.....we will rock the 'hood!!
ladyrocks said:
I gotta agree on this one ! Bad.. , you totally rawk ! The station where I live "FM99-The Home of Rock n Roll " plays the same shit over and over and over again....mainstream wanna be metal/rock bands. I gave up listening to it for awhile, but have been requesting them to play "Safe Home", which btw I have yet to hear...

If I ever win the lotto I'm buying my own station and play the music that people really wanna hear ... PURE METAL ! !:rock: !:rock:
I was thinking about having an Anthrax station...ATRX! (or something like that) haha! All Anthrax All the time!!:Spin: