An Opeth conversion story I'd like to share


love your Crotch
May 11, 2001
Los Angeles
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In May, when I was in High School, I knew a Slipknot fan whom we'll refer to as "Larthur". Anyway, I've been spreading the gospel of Opeth ever since I found out about them almost a year ago. I've probably burned "Orchid" at least 60 times by now. In May, I gave "Larthur" a copy of "Still Life". The very next day, I noticed that he had taken the Slipknot patch off of his backpack. I was flying. It was the proudest moment in my life. I'll never forget that. I just wanted to tell that to the rest of the disciples as sort of an inspirational story to never give up in the spreading of the gospel. You never know what results you'll get.
Ahhh great work, there was a kid like you when i was in high school and i'm glad there was. I was all into Punk like the dead kennedys and misfits etc..etc... The first moment he let me listen to Cannibal Corpse on his head set.....I was in LOVE....In an earlier post people were discussing kids not liking the growling vocals......not me i, for some reason, enjoyed them immediatly......Keep up the Great work.....HAILS
Originally posted by Soul4Raziel

You owe Opeth about $800. :D

:lol: , i was gonna say that when i read that too. i got my friend into Katatonia and now that they are playing December 4th with opeth im sure he'll love them :D , he says he likes Opeth when i play it to him, but he lacks the entusiasm he should have when listening to them so im not convinced.
to be honest, I dont want to give Opeth to just anyone.. I have to feel thay are worthy, call this sick if u want but Opeth is so spesial to me that I dont want just anyone to listen to it and dont really get INTO it, 'cuz that is two very different things.
Originally posted by HellSpawn
to be honest, I dont want to give Opeth to just anyone.. I have to feel thay are worthy, call this sick if u want but Opeth is so spesial to me that I dont want just anyone to listen to it and dont really get INTO it, 'cuz that is two very different things.

yeah, its the same with me too, i'd hate for people to one day associate Opeth with Slipknot because a fan of shit music (very opinnionated of me) mentioned Opeth amongst korn and linkin park.
I burn all my Opeth CDs, and return the originals to their cases, so they don't get scratched up. :rolleyes: Generally, I lend out the burnt copies if I think someone will be able to appreciate Opeth (BTW, I, too, don't lend them to anyone I don't think will appreciate them). The problem is, I find that people think that since it's a burnt copy, they feel they dont have to return it. They don't seem understand that these guys play music for a living. They deserve their damn money...greedy kids.
Same situation at my high school.. Just a bunch of retards running around with Slipknot shirts.. No one has a clue who the heck "Opeth" is when I wear my shirt, and to tell the truth I kind of like it that way :)

I got my girlfriend into Opeth though, and she likes it, so I'm happy. She still likes her damn Nine Inch Nails better :heh:
Originally posted by Clayman
I dont think a soul has heard of Opeth in my school,seems like nowadays every ones into stuff like slipknot or linkin park.:cry:

I just wish i had metalhead friends!!

its the same with me :cry: , there aren't even that many Slipknot linkin park fans in our school (which is some consolation) . i have one friend outside of school i hardly see that likes the good sort of metal, oh well. :cry:
woh! it i preaty weird for me to read about u ppl who dont have real metal friends, three of mine real good friend are complete metal-heads, and I know of alot of other metal-heads to, that I party with and so on.
just now this friday it was something called Metal Night here at a bar in Trondheim. there was metal all the way on two floors!
cant help feeling sorry for u who dont get these kind of things, and I who thought there was little things like this here(compered to Oslo it is) but now I understand how much I really get
i really dont think anyone besides like 5 people in my school should even get to listen to opeth. Everyone else is just not worthy. Why would you want someone who listens to slipknot to listen to opeth , thats a joke. Let them figure out how bad there musical tastes are. Or do what i do , let them into another whole genre with another band thats good, but not the best. then let them find the better bands.:heh: