An opeth related dream


Dec 17, 2008
I dont know how to put this without seeming really weird, but do you have a certain dream concerning opeth?

I do and ill share mine

This is pretty lame i know, but one of my dreams are to Open up for Opeth on one of their tours.
(i spose being a touring musician in general, but this would be a huge highlight)
It would just be an amazing experience for me.
to play on the same stage as them.

Or maybe for opeth to open up for me on a tour :lol:
My dream is simple... I hope they realease an album which slays all previous Opeth albums!

Touring with them would be awesome too, or just opening one night... not lame dream at all btw.
i had a dream that i got on stage during one of their shows and started playing Fredricks heir apparent solo, but then i woke up.
I had a dream where I said that Opeth was a grocery that close at 6 P.M and I was really angry... don't ask questions I don't even understand myself
Yes it'd be cool to be touring with them. (If possible, with my gf's prog/darkmetal band 13.5)

At the side of that...well that's it, I can't think of anything else really...
I had such dreams more than once, seeing them, hanging out in the tour bus,and the best one was: I was playing guitar and my sister came over and said , guess who came to cya, i was like, fuck off i'm busy now, tell them i'm not here, and then Mike entered and i woke up :( apparently i died in that dream that's why i woke up ahhaha !! it still just a fucking dream tho :(:(:(