Had these mixes on the back burner for a long time now and finally finished them up a few weeks ago. Killer female fronted rock/metal band from Colorado Spring, CO. I have a similar deal with them as I had with Martriden, produce a demo and help them shop it.

I think they're a great band and have a killer future ahead. Check out the link and spread the word.

I follow up with the production details soon if you guys are interested.
Damn - those guitars sound great! Any details on them?

The drums sound incredibly heavy, as well - what kind of blending with samples went on?

Her voice... wow. She's got great control and a great sense of melody. What mic did you use on her?
Guitars are 4 tracks of Dual Rec into the trad cab. 57 and ae3000 > CS Spider. Same setup gear wise as the Cephalic tracks actually. Guitar was some Ibanez with a nice heavy body and EMGs + a boost switch. The boost played a big role in the sound actually. That combined with at TS turned out a killer attack.

The lightly distorted tracks and cleans were a mix of Trem-o-verb and Road king. Some through the 4x12 and some through the open back 12s in the Road King combo.

Drums are mostly replaced. Snare is 2 samples and the mics, equal mix of each. Kick is 2 samples, one from his kit. Toms are replaced 100% with samples from his kit.

Vocals are 414 > RNC. 2 songs into the firepod for conversion, other 2 into the spider. Would have used a different mic if I had more options. Vocals were a bit of a bitch at mixdown. We spent a lot of time reworking vocal lines and getting solid takes. About 6 to 8 hours per song just on the main vocal.

Again, please send the link to anyone you think might dig it. I want to get a buzz going for them.
I like listening to this because of the mix. And everytime I hear a chick with that kind of voice my brains tells me she must be hot...

Don't care much for the music though. They will probably sell tons of cd's!
Haha, yea. Once a day at least. If you mailed me it might have been snagged by my spam filter. Next time try keeping all references to penis enlargement out of the e-mail. :lol:

You can PM here too...

LOL No didnt send any referance to penis enlargment your spam blocker must be real good and just sensed i had a huge cock lol Im sending you PM now:lol: