This is the kinda shit I listen in my car when none of my death metal friends are around with me secretly diggin the fuck outta it. Hhahaha All that aside. NICE mix and the songs are cool. I dig. I dig. Definately will look into this band.
AnaDies is sad to announce the departure of our keyboardist, Talia Hoit. She has decided to step down from her role in AnaDies to explore other creative outlets and pursue other opportunities. We will miss her dearly and wish her nothing but the best in her future endeavors. Talia will be performing one final show with AnaDies on November 9th at The Black Sheep. We hope to see all of our fans, friends, and family at the show to show some love and support as we say goodbye to a great friend.

With that said, AnaDies is now searching for a keyboard/synth player with a high level of musicianship, professional gear, and dedication. Anyone who is interested in being considered for the position, please contact us through
These guys are great live, go check em out. When i saw em the guitar player in the middle of playing this song picked up a shot of jaeger, downed it, put the glass on his finger and ripped out this guitar solo with it, without missing a beat, fun times :)
These guys are great live, go check em out. When i saw em the guitar player in the middle of playing this song picked up a shot of jaeger, downed it, put the glass on his finger and ripped out this guitar solo with it, without missing a beat, fun times :)

im glad someone remembers that
Hey guys sorry to revive and old thread but my band has put up another new tune if you wanna check it out. I know most of you arent into the female fronted thing but some of you may dig it.
We also will start presale on our album next week if interested.. Sorry for the myspace quality level. thanks guys.
Had these mixes on the back burner for a long time now and finally finished them up a few weeks ago. Killer female fronted rock/metal band from Colorado Spring, CO. I have a similar deal with them as I had with Martriden, produce a demo and help them shop it.

Dave--GODDAMN! Killer job as usual :kickass:

Anadies-- Fucking GREAT songs!

Makes me drool thinking about what our tracks will end up sounding like :rock:
Last Night​ our myspa​ce profi​le was eithe​r hacke​d and delet​ed or was mista​kenly​ delet​ed in the myspa​ce profi​le clean​ing last night​.​ Eithe​r way we are tryin​g to get this resol​ved with myspa​ce so we can get our page and frien​ds list back.​ If you could​ repos​t this on your myspace pages or anywhere else and help us get the word out to peopl​e we would​ reall​y appre​ciate​ it. We are still​ going​ to start​ presa​le on the new album​ in the next few days so we will do our best to keep you all poste​d until​ this issue​ is resol​ved.​ We can still​ be conta​cted throu​gh our perso​nal pages​ or our websi​te.​

thank​ you for your help.​

Guitars are 4 tracks of Dual Rec into the trad cab. 57 and ae3000 > CS Spider. Same setup gear wise as the Cephalic tracks actually.

Diviniation & Volition 3:12 pure genius recording Dave. Almost shat my pants first time i played that track cranked up :notworthy