anathema = gay?


Jun 8, 2003
Oslo, Norway
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Well... I'm sure you boys and girls already answered this question before. So I'll just spit it out:

Probably you all know the song "Restless Oblivion" from The Silent Enigma album. The verse is as following:

"A bleak garden to cry
When my inamorato died"

... and the word 'inamorato' means: "A man with whom one is in love or has an intimate relationship". Which, I suppose, makes the band or the singer "gay". I don't know, but is he gay, or is there another answer?

- rafael
To inflame with love; to charm; to captivate; -- with of or
with before the person or thing as to be enamored with a
lady; to be enamored of books or science. [Written also

Passionately enamored of this shadow of a dream. --W.
~but then again it all depends on what Duncan Patterson meant, you'll have to ask him; but, "when my inamorato died" could also mean "reason to live"-or power to love..i'll leave that to you..
And if you say that Anathema is gay for that verse, this "word" written 8 years ago..bah..boof??..get a life man!
Falconspirit: I was just wondering, so I thought I'd ask. Is there any harm in that?

Thanks for the answer by the way! :)
There seems that some dictionaries are uncertain of the meaning of the word 'inamorato'. Although inamorata means "a woman someone is in love with:
He's had a tattoo with the name of a former lover removed, to avoid hurting the feelings of his current inamorata". Which really more or less explains my beliefs that 'inamorato' would mean the same, only of the opposite sex.
Yeah... and you could call it "rabbit" for short, like... nice one...