Anathema in Denmark


Jul 3, 2001
Visit site
Im going to the Anathema show in Denmark, but im from Sweden so i dont know about the place they play in, VEGA.
They will play in the little room acordingly to the ticket.
So if anyone is from Denmark here it would be nice with i bit of information about the place.
It's a good venue! Not so wide and a bit longer than the width!
Vega holds many great bands and i've seen many excellent concerts there!
The walls are made of wood and the stage is kind of small, but that will only make it more intense!
It's one of the best places in Denmark to watch a show!

Needless to say; I will be there on december 4th!! :)
No, no age limit on Vega.

You have 2 options: Ferry to Helsingør or the bridge to Copenhagen... I think the ferry is the cheapest option, while the bridge is the easiest.
Me girlfriend and me are coming by train down to Malmö and over the bridge(first time for me over this new bridge)to copenhagen.

Really looking forward to the gig, they seem to have ignored scandinavia before....
Well they did a festival in Finland last year i think but before that they have were here latest on the Eternity tour i think....
I once asked Dave(the gay/idiot) Pybus why they didnt come to scandinavia, he answered it was to cold. Hmmm...well fuck him.
Hope to see ya down in Denmark!
Yeah, well, Dave is out of Anathema so you don't have to listen to excuses anymore.

Anywys, let me know if you need some info about DK... I'd be happy to help you out.
How much do the beer cost at vega?
I supose its much cheaper in bars in Denmark than in sweden:o)

This is my second time in copenhagen....was there once when i wasa little you have an good desciption where Vega is in the city?
Yeah, well, don't remember the exact cost in Vega, but I think it's about 35-40 Dkr. Maybe 33. Not sure. For a large glass/pint.

Well, if you arrive at the main central station (Hovedbanegården), ask for Istedgade (the street where all the hookers operate and with all the sex shops) and at the other end of Istedgade, you'll find Vega.
HAHA...sounds like a fun place.:lol:
Well thanks for the information it could be usefull.

Do you know the capacity(dont know about the spelling of this word) of little Vega?:confused:
Yeah, it's where most metal concerts are held, except for the big names like for instance the Type O Negative gig last year. Or was it the year before that? Anyway, it should hold enough capacity for Anathema - Moonspell, Dimmu Borgir and The Gathering have managed on that stage, so it should be OK.
Epicus > How much does it cost taking the train from Gothenburg to Copenhagen?

And I wonder if I gotta sleep somewhere after the concert? Or if it goers any trains/boats after 24.00?

This is kind of exciting, as I'm only 16 this is my first trip to see a concert outside Sweden (even outside Gothenburg :lol: )
So it's kind of exciting :bah:
If I take the train back on forth from Gothenburg to Copenhagen it cost me around 700 kr (and this is the cheap because I get 30% off because I'm a student..) It's to fucking expensive!:mad:
+ 150 kr for the ticket..that's 850 kr and food, cigarettes, beer and stuff..That is about 1000kr..
So if anyone know any cheaper way? Please tell me..

Is Fredrikshamn close to Copenhagen? Than I can take the boat here from Gothenburg and to Fredrikshamn and a buss to Copenhagen or something..I don't know, help me..
Well the train ticket from Kumla to Copenhagen cost me around 700 swedish crowns. And im 21 so i dont get any student price. Hmm it seems very expensive for you, and gothenburg is so much nearer than Kumla. :confused:

I question to the dannish people here, how long do the nightclubs stay open in Denmark?
If I don't miss Anathema, I'll never forgive myself..
Now I actually have the chance to see them why should I miss this perfect oppurtunity..Hell, it's one of my most favourite band..

So I'm going.
You won't get rid of me so easy..:lol: