Anathema related: AFDTE Leftovers/B-Sides


dead soul
Jun 27, 2002
Hi! I'm new to this board. :wave: The Anathema board is down, so i have to post this here, because most of Anathema's fans seem to be here and can maybe help me with my question.

I found a site ( with "news" dated 06.04.2001, where the following tracklist for AFDTE was posted including some comment. As follows:

01. Intro: We like this one. Last thing to be written and first thing you'll hear. Still untitled as yet. Description? False sense of security.

02. Release: The difficulties encountered by people with low self-esteem who rely on others with even less self-esteem. The dangers of falling in love then failing in life. The optimism that true expression can bring.

03. Looking Outside Inside: Searching for something, anything that can stop the avalanche. You created it - you deal with it. It's difficult to talk. We need things.

04. Pressure: Even if you're a millionaire on a paradise island, or the Pope in the Vatican, or even the drummer in a band, the one thing you can never escape is who you are and what you have done.

05. Underworld: Trying to escape this and thinking that you are succeeding. Well you do don't you? Some people analyze themselves more than others. Some people just can't. Ego/concience/ego/concience ad infinitum.

06. Barriers: Being lost then found and managing to get lost again. Trying to break through to the other side of everything that is wrong with you. Doing it with honesty and wisdom.

07. A Fleeting Glimpse: Somewhere right at the back of your mind, underneath all the layers of personality and disharmony, there is a beautiful world. The essence of your precious existence. I caught it when I was a child. Out of the corner of my eye. Turned to look but it was gone.

08. Panic: I eat my hands, 'cos my legs are crying.

09. Levity (working title): Difficult to comment on this one as the words were changed last minute and I've not read the new ones. Hard to say what the old words were about too. Musical track ala JEFF BUCKLEY but not as gut-wrenching.

10. A Fine Day To Exit: The only way is forward. Can't go backwards. A great up tempo track with great down beat lyrics! (And the lowest played guitar solo ever recorded - Dave)

11. Temporary Peace: At the end of the day, if you've got your slippers on and you're sitting by the fire with some longbottom leaf and good company... all's well that ends well, isn't it?

I don't think I have to post the actual tracklist for AFDE, as most of you already know it. So what happened for the two left songs and what about the working titles? ("In the dog's house" isn't one of them i think...!?)

Maybe Danny or some other people could clear this up.

Thanks in advance!
Levity = leave no trace
Dog's house, the 'joke' ghost track was supposed to be the intro I think (no joke) but MFN didn't agree with that.
A Fleeting Glimpse = I dunno ... Maybe the spoken part at the end of Temporary Peace ' what about dogs ... '
Totally off topic in the already off topic thread.

Let me point to the insane amount of Danes leaving comments in the guestbook at, this should merit a visit, please...
Dog's house as an intro would be very crazy. AFDTE (the album and also the song itself) was my first experience with Anathema's music but Alternative4 is my favourite. I'm browsing the forums (Anathema, Opeth, Antimatter and Katatonia) every day for months now, but am mostly reading. Some may know me from Katatonia's board. Cool people around there and also here, so i decided to post something, just to say hello. :)

@DragonLady1: Thanx! Your's also not bad ;)
@Mariner: Calm down please. This was nothing ment serious, ok!? I don't wanted to annoy anyone.

@DragonLady1: I'm a "he"
Yeah. It's a small village. Last time I was in Vienna, I saw Paradise Lost live. I missed Opeth and Porcupine Tree, when they were there last time.
Katatonia should have been there, right. So I wanted to go there too, but if I heard they were cancelled, i didn't want to go there. Nice to meet other people here in Austria who like this music. :)