Anathema, should they change this name?


climbing the ladder
Mar 18, 2003
Its been talked through a few times i guess, but let me quote a short part of an article that, Hungary's leading internet portal with cc. half millions of page download per day. (So the article was probably read by a few hundred thousands of 'might-be consumers'.)

The article is about scandals (Superbowl-Jackson...) and starts off with a "that was nothing, listen to this!"-attitude. It gives details about Gorgoroth (black metal band in case you are not from the painted face-race) who recorded their dvd in Krakkow with lotsa stunning elements. (Men&women hanging from crosses in blood, with black hood wrapped on their head, etc.)

And this particular part caught my attention:

"If we believe the medias that reported about the Gorgoroth concert, the satanist metal band's concert-recording took place on 1st Feb in a studio hosted by the Polish state tv, but the design of the show even shocked the participating tv-crew who -- with the assistance of Katowicze based Metal Mind Productions -- have already worked with the concert-recording of such bands as Cannibal Corpse and ANATHEMA. /*caps by me*/

There were crosses on the stage, naked women and men were hung on these, dipped in cattle blood, one of them while wearing a black sack on his head lost conciousness due to the lack of oxygen."
This just shows that Gorgoroth knows how to carry out a proper black mass. Assuming the crucified people agreed with their role, fainting is just bad luck. Nothing to be concerned about. And Anathema worked with the same tv-crew, so what? Of course the media are trying to make a scandal out of it, but that's no reason to change the bandname and run away! If asked, just tell the truth. If not believed, fuck them!
Its just the fact that they are mentioned along with such a happening. Btw in Poland you can be thrown into jail for 2 years if you hurt someone's religious feelings. (In front of other people, I guess.)

Personally I like the sound of the word Anathema, and the meaning too.
coldwave said: of them while wearing a black sack on his head lost conciousness due to the lack of oxygen."
i wonder how much they paid him for that role...
coldwave said:
hurt someone's religious feelings
what a wonderful way to put it :D

"you made me cross now, you hurt my religious feelings"
obviously, its so stupid to jail someone for this, but its the same thing with one of our radio that has been banned for 30 days because their drunken announcer said (on Christmas day :) ) "i would kill all the christians". (or was it "lets kill all the christians", i dont remember and dont really care.)
Frodnat said:
What are you afraid of coldwave...?

explain me what were you thinking exactly?? I just think that if the band wants commercial success, this will be (or rather: it is) a barrier and that this article is a good example of this.
coldwave said:
explain me what were you thinking exactly?? I just think that if the band wants commercial success, this will be (or rather: it is) a barrier and that this article is a good example of this.

No one will think that Anathema has anything to do with satanism or anything mentioned in this article... as long as you don´t generalize.
people do generalize. but if its not that important -- as it seems that it is not -- then forget it. im also glad that in your vicinity theres less anger against non-christians, but im already offtopic.
coldwave said:
Its just the fact that they are mentioned along with such a happening. Btw in Poland you can be thrown into jail for 2 years if you hurt someone's religious feelings. (In front of other people, I guess.)
:err: wtf ????? are you serrious?
I dont think they should change it I think its a great band name.. but if changing it will gain them the deserved respect then fair play to them. But then again I dont see why any band should only be associated with a name or some incident with fainting people on crucifixes I suppose it depends on the importance of commercial gain to the band.
the police seized the recordings, the managers defended themselves with "the crowd didnt complained about hurting their religion".

/*the source. you can translate it with Intertrans,
be aware that the translator is nearly full crap when its dealing with Hungarian (in fact its the centurys first joke-machine, but only when translating TO Hungarian).
and probably Intertrans forgot to close this access, so dont use it daily otherwise they may notice it and cease the joy of many Hungarian ppl :)*/
hahaha what a funny thread :lol:
seriously though as whoever thinks that they should change their name because of a vague link through a tv company needs their head testing imo. and the talent of the band far out weighs the impact of a shitty little article somewhere.
hurting people religious feelings :lol: that is so crazy! i cant believe that radio presenter said that hahahahaha, what a funny bastard :lol: - thick as fuck but funny nonetheless
I think seeing as Anathema have gone through a few changes, they should acknowledge this by removing the first three letters off their name. Then they could be 'The Ma' from good ol liverpule