Anathema, should they change this name?

lol ahhh "The ma" that would be klass .. troo scouse styleee but this would also mean a distinct change in the music to sumthing that would fit with the legendary "big fish little fish cardboard box" dance. They might also have to start wearing some lacoste trakkies or pink velour outfits maybe depending on their personal taste of course. But I dunno I think John and the dog in matching pink velour outfits would look stylish...

OR not
Mick Moss said:
I think seeing as Anathema have gone through a few changes, they should acknowledge this by removing the first three letters off their name. Then they could be 'The Ma' from good ol liverpule

btw doing the same to Antimatter would resuld imatter, or E-Matter, and that would be very fancy, after all, everything starting with "E-" is fancy nowadays. :)
I kind of equate the Jackson scandal with the Gorgoroth. They are both equally trivial, which of course reinforces the fact that the world is more concerned with media propagated trivial scandals than what is really important, i.e. economic stagnation and moral abandonment. Perhaps I am being too cerebral about the nature of this thread, but being part of the ever-dying rare breed of metalhead conservative persuasion, I should think that my point be acknowledged and validated. Btw, if Anathema were to change their name, how about to I Wanna See It All Brown?
coldwave said:
Its just the fact that they are mentioned along with such a happening. Btw in Poland you can be thrown into jail for 2 years if you hurt someone's religious feelings. (In front of other people, I guess.)

Personally I like the sound of the word Anathema, and the meaning too.
wow ;P nice to know :) hehehe
Faelivrin said:
wow ;P nice to know :) hehehe

btw you would be surprised how conservative (in the very worst form) can be some people.
we rented a flat in a quite expensive distinct (4 of us, so the costs were less this way), and when i wanted to rent a garage too in the same building but with another owner, she asked me whether im catholic or protestant or what.

she didnt believe me that i hadn't believed in god, she thought i'd been jew then she said "only atheists don't believe in god". i replied "im an atheist". she was silenced for long seconds. (obviously because i made her stupid theory about jews-offer-room-for-rent-to-jews collapse, 'cause the flat we moved to had jew owners and it seems that it counted. :( ) then of course she didnt rent me the garage.