

Get your ass to mars!
Sep 13, 2008
After they got announced for Damnation, then swiftly taken away for Bloodstock and hearing everyone rave about this band and how great they are etc. I decided to check them out.

Why didn't I sooner? They fucking rule.

All of those songs are drastically different from each other.

I can't stop listening to this band! :lol:
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Try some Paradise Lost... they're kind of like Anathema only better! I'd recommend anything from Icon onwards... like Anathema they had a few distinct phases, and I found something to enjoy in all of them.
If you want to listen to Anathema, start from the very beginning (EPs included) and work up to their latest release. Don't jump in somewhere in the middle, or the later albums (even though they are brilliant)

I've been a fan of them since they started, and kept with them until they released Judgement. It's a great album, but the 'Pink Floyd'-iness just didn't sit well with me. I lost interest in them, until they played at Download a few years back. Was absolutely stunned when they played 'A Natural Disaster' and the crowd were just stood there mesmerised. Loved it. So I dug up the 2 albums I'd missed ('A fine day to exit' and 'a natural disaster') and fell for them again. As did my much, that the cd we brought to the hospital for our daughter's birth had mainly Anathema on it. And she was born while 'A natural disaster' was playing. And we had it played at her naming ceremony a couple of months back.

If you want heavy from them, check out:

A dying wish
Restless Oblivion

If you want rocky from them, check out:

Fragile Dreams
Pulled Under at 2000 Metres a Second

If you want female lead vocals instead, check out:

J'ai fait une promesse
A natural disaster

If you want something....strange, check out:


And try out Paradise Lost too, if you haven't already. And don't discard anything prior to Icon.....Shades of God & Gothic are both classics too.
well I can't listen to such stuff along time.. I mean it sounds alittle bit too theatralic and artificial for me. Not my kind of music, I prefer paradise lost alot more!
Hi everyone, I'm from The End Records and just thought I'd share this amazing offer we have going with you guys. We have this insane special edition Anathema bundle for "We're Here Because We're Here". It includes a 7", CD and DVD5A surround sound all in one. Check it out: