Anathema's guitar work

Dead Winter

Apr 30, 2002
Hello, I'm new here, but I've been listening to Anathema for the past years, as well as playing guitar. I'm fairly new, only been playing for about 3 years, however, I'm a bit ahead of a few of my friends who have been playing much longer. Maybe because I play every single day and don't settle....

Anyway, I was wondering what any of you thought about this...

Every single Anathema tablature you find seems easy, simple, and quick to learn. However, it's almost impossible to get the same feeling, sound, and emotion even if you played it verbatim. This just leads me to believe that Anathema are in a class all of their own, much like Pink Floyd, which obviously they are deeply rooted in. They aren't shredders, and the technicality isn't what blows your's the sheer emotion that bleeds out of the notes every single time I hear it. One Last Goodbye's solo has to be the best and most emotionally draining solos I've ever heard...even moreso than Metallica's Orion. Their work isn't the most difficult to play, but it's definitely the most difficult to get that kind of raw emotion out of just by playing it from tabs or ear.

Now I'm hearing talk of Antimatter...what is the deal? I've been out of the loop and just found out about Danny's possible departure from the band. I would love to find out as much as possible from Anathema. I know some of you email them quite this open to all fans or just select few? I think it would be pretty damn cool to get a response from someone within Anathema.
antimatter is duncan patterson's new band. duncan was the bassist and main songwritter in anathema up to 1998, and left after the recording of 'alternative 4'. and now he's playing with that guy called Mick Moss who's gifted by the gods as well hehe

antimatter released just one album, called 'Saviour', which features vocals from Hayley Windsor and Michelle Richfield [Michelle sung on the 'Eternity' album, and on MDB's '34.788%...Complete'], and apparitions from Les Smith [ex-Cradle Of Filth, now in...Anathema].

music-wise, 'Saviour' sounds like 'Alternative 4' meets trip hop : totally ground breaking [in my ears of course].

for more details :

to order a copy of 'Saviour', contact Duncan :

hello there. this is danny cavanagh up in liverpool. thanks for the nice things you said about our guitar stuffs, and as you asked for a response from within the band, here i am!
as i said, it looks like me and the lads are gonna work things out and carry on rocking with anathema, hopefully with an essential new addition on bass. as i write, i cant say too much because it is early days, but i think things will work out and we'll do good. me and vinny are doing our best to put our grievances behind us, and the other guys know that it is possible we all support eachother and help eachother and do good songs etc..
so that is what could happen, wish us luck.
ps. check out aereogramme and nick drake!!!!!:) :rolleyes: :lol: :eek: :confused:
Wow. The musician is on board. Man, you're the best. Anathema are the best.

Can you throw some more recommendations into the board-bowl (like Nick Drake & Aereogramme), if you have the wish? Have you heard Sigur Ros?
Wow. Danny, if you have any idea how much your music influences my everyday life, you would be amazed. Every single one of your albums is connected to a piece of my life, literally. I can relate to every single song you have put out, it has touched me deeply.

Every day I'm getting the word out to the mindless sheep that I see everyday to stop listening to the radio and start looking underground. Anathema SHOULD NOT be an underground should be taking over the airwaves. There isn't one single band out there that can touch you, and your music is so accessible to everyone, people are just hung up on the popular, less inspired music. I'm getting friends and others to listen to you every single day, and to wake up. Don't give up, and don't EVER think that no one is listening...we are. If I have to get the word out by word of mouth, I'll do it. You deserve much more recognition than from just us "undergrounders". No one can touch you, and I'll always support Anathema. You inspire so much in people, don't ever stop playing.
Originally posted by Don Corleone
D Mullholand - your avatar is amazing.
Aw, thanks! It's from the movie "Three Colours: White" by Krzystof Kieslowski. The movie is brilliant, go see it!

Oxiplegatz: sure, I am one too, but when a man whose work was one of my biggest inspirations for the last 2 years, appears in the thread, we have to be humble and show respect to the real artist. :)