Ancient Dreams cassette release on SWORDS AND CHAINS


HAHAHAH that is actually good. But isn't just me making these comments. There were a bunch of people saying how bad he came across up on stage. At the same time Pat was complimented by someone for his playing style and Lee was also by Jake. Jake was amazed with how good he was and what he pulled off. When you have these types of compliments after a show and then you have the same amount aimed at one person on a negative have to look at the large picture. A bunch of people were like...I really like the music but the singer is a turn off. Which on the other side there are people who really like Al as a singer.

Everyone knows my opinion on it. I think his antics take away so much in the live setting with the walking off stage and into the crowd. It takes all eyes and ears off the song because everyone is watching where he is going. His banter is even more cringe worthly as of late as well. If a band wants to be taken serious they have to play that way. It seems like an unorganized mess at times which is too bad because it seems people are interested.
I hear what you are saying.
Al is definitely a "performance" type of front man.
That's his schtick.....

He is a friend of ours, and we decided early on, after approaching others in the scene, that we only wanted friends in the band.

He has a great voice which is a nice contrast to our sound. Very similar to us at least in how someone with an upper register like Rob Lowe complemented Candlemass.

I appreciate the feedback. I really do.

Glad you like the JPG.

Hey, you know I have earned that trophy many times myself!!!
yeah...i only say this because I know you want more stuff to happen for the band and stuff like this will always keep you at the low level because it comes across very cheap. Sometimes it would almost be better to keep going and not talk between songs.

After seeing a few shows of yours I have seen this happen more and more now with each show. Soon it will turn into a comedy show rather than a full metal performance. Not that every band should be the same on stage or follow rules...but when you have 4 or 3 guys like at Alehorn playing one way and then one guy doing his own is very awkward to watch live. He is not a funny person in the least bit so his humor is lost everytime. Plus the songs are not funny songs so having a frontman who makes dumb jokes or stupid comments reflects big on the band as a whole. I know you wanted Alehorm to be a big launch pad for the band but in the end there were lots who enjoyed the set but equal amount who thought it was a turn off from the antics and even getting the label who put out your cassette tape wrong. While I know you guys thought it was funny. It looked really bad on all levels as a person in the crowd. Hopefully you can fix these issues by the next show.
I definitely agree that our "show" can use work, even down to how we work the stage and present ourself.

I have my own opinions on this matter as well, and it has been discussed within the band off and on.

Though, you know us all. We are not stereotypical "metal heads" and are not going to be all "decked out Detroit" style for ya.

We just wanna play tunes we like. Period.

Anyhoo, as I said, and I mean it, I do appreciate the feedback.