And not only happy birthday to me and Phenom

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This thread turned out be pretty WTF:lol: Last night there was a 10-15 posts here with no agressiveness but now when i come here its a full blown flame war:lol:
but remember, he has his life mapped out...

aww poor little faggot rushes to his boyfriends bedside as he gets fucked in the ass by uncle codi. Better step back there fido, you might get caught in the crossfire and get a little spooge in your face.

Seriously, the fact that you would spend the time trying to find some dirt on someone who has never even spoken to you is pathetic in its own right. Nothing you or your fucking Gimp could say could affect me in the slightest. So congratz, you have accomplished, nothing.
ITT: Butthurted trolls doing exactly what they say they hate ("omg we pwned you, lololololol"; "epic lulz" and quoting each other).

sounds a bit like what you do :Smug:

aww poor little faggot rushes to his boyfriends bedside as he gets fucked in the ass by uncle codi. Better step back there fido, you might get caught in the crossfire and get a little spooge in your face.

Seriously, the fact that you would spend the time trying to find some dirt on someone who has never even spoken to you is pathetic in its own right. Nothing you or your fucking Gimp could say could affect me in the slightest. So congratz, you have accomplished, nothing.

the fact you are so vitriolic proves the effectiveness of my post.
Better step back there fido, you might get caught in the crossfire and get a little spooge in your face.

Although it was disgusting, i lol'd :lol:

Seriously, the fact that you would spend the time trying to find some dirt on someone who has never even spoken to you is pathetic in its own right

Another proof that he's a troll... Jesus Christ, these noobish trolls are getting sloppier :Smug:

sounds a bit like what you do :Smug:

That was exactly my point. I think you weren't smart enough to understand my message.
:lol: Codi, I realize why you hold COBOT so closely to you, it gives you a sense of accomplishment and achievement. You are a loser in life and you are a pathological lier. You come to play when you see Gonzo post and you have nothing better to do besides maybe play video games or suck on your mother's chubby tits, the mother who has "defeated" Lupus. You can't even win on the internet and an heroing is your last and only option.
Of course you read it, you can't accept the truth. You are a pathological lier and an internet loser. Why would I be crushed by "Intodudes"? I found that funny, almost clever for your intelligence level.
let's get /b/ style up in harrr..

>>Of course you read it, you can't accept the truth. You are a pathological lier and an internet loser. Why would I be crushed by "Intodudes"? I found that funny, almost clever for your intelligence level.

>>Of course you read it, you can't accept the truth. You are a pathological lier and an internet loser.

>>You are a pathological lier and an internet loser.

>>pathological lier


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