And not only happy birthday to me and Phenom

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if you read my posts, you would see I hardly ever post anymore so that whole COBOT being my life bullshit just shows you have nothing to say besides those retarded fallacies that keep being repeated in every post you make to me. You have no idea what I do with my time so your insults are just stale and repetative. Honestly get some new material cause you are surpassing the title of Supreme Douche and starting to reach a never before reached plateau of faggotry.
let's get /b/ style up in harrr..

>>Of course you read it, you can't accept the truth. You are a pathological lier and an internet loser. Why would I be crushed by "Intodudes"? I found that funny, almost clever for your intelligence level.

>>Of course you read it, you can't accept the truth. You are a pathological lier and an internet loser.

>>You are a pathological lier and an internet loser.

>>pathological lier



You even say yourself you lurk. How much, I don't know. You seem to pop up from under your bridge when Gonzo has something to say. You probably get off watching all the people on the forum, don't you? I met freaks like yourself, they go nowhere in life. Easy for you to make up stories and fibs over the internet, isn't it? You sad butch-looking, chubby, middle-aged Italian women, acne-ridden fatass you.
killer gon, stop reporting everything you personally don't like. and you and rider should stop baiting people into flame wars, or you can get the fuck out.

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