And now the movement we all been....

Since Dag's performance in his underwear on the making of is certain, we should take a guess what he and the band will eat. It's definately some kind of manly meal. The question is at hand. The journey begins here and ends in toilet on place far far north. Will they punish a hot spicy meal or Dag twists the fate and grabs a bite from Dan's favorite chocklapuding?
I am guessing Dag's undies in the video will be navy blue
as for the meal I don't know but I see a tall glass of milk
could be some cereal, maybe a big watermellon
I also see some swimming

my senses are totally off beat right now...I could be wrong completely
Here's an amusing post inflater.

I think everything will rise to a new level as soon as we get our hands on the Making of video!

The day The Dag states to be "mature" or "grown up and serious" in his being is the day the sky comes falling down.
There are to many ignorant adults out there. I'm still young and I intend to stay so.:goggly:
Yeah. I got it from you.. But how did you pick it up?

I invented being a language nazi, it drove me nutts when people pronounced Mikael's last name wrong...specifficly with a regular "a" becuase they didn't know what an "å" sounds like. So I decided to brainwash all non swedish people:goggly:

I've also invented the term ömg=öl min gud:rock: