Big Impulses Package - all the best impulses in one file!

Thanks for clearing that up! Just curious though, does Periphery use actual amps or do they do the Sturgis POD tone type digital thing?

Periphery's really early stuff (before getting signed) was all pod, but I believe the album and EP that they have out were both done with an axe-fx. They used to use real amps live but just axe-fx now. The new album they just recorded was using axe-fx with a real cab. I believe it was axe-fx > 5150 power section > mesa OS cab. But I did see a pod x3 pro in the background of one of their studio photos on their facebook page, so it might have made it onto the album somewhere too
Pretty sure I got those at home. I'll up'd them when I get there, too busy here being super alpha.
Wait, I can download the first link just fine. It's the link with the periphery IR that doesn't work for me. Check again, if you need I could host the pack somewhere else and reupload it. I have a Periphery IR but I'm not sure if it was made by someone else.
had a copy of those in my old hard drive that died last month, wonder is anyone around still have a copy of those...