...and the newest guild drummer is....?


Major Rager...!
Apr 17, 2001
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... ME...!!!!!!

Well....i just traded my 98 les paul standard in on a new tama rockstar/zildjian cymbals drum kit...!!! Got nearly a straight swap for it.... im sure the music store got the bargain though....but it was convenient and i still have my other les paul so i thought why not.....!!!

Im just as capable ( in my own world anyways....not selling tickets here either guys.... ;) ) on a set of drums as i am on guitar...... have played the sticks for 13 years as well..... played in many bands at school on the kit.... its probaly the instrument im most comfortable on....

Soooooo...... im keen to try a drum track or two here and there...... I wont be as good as MM ..... and i dont have any 4 track to mix the drums down before the cpu.... I have three weeks holidays so i may drag the cpu into the shed and give it a go.....

Im starting from scratch here when it comes to recording the drums..... but im keen to give it a go....

Stay tuned.....

One mic configuration you might try is to have two above you close together. One angled down towards that high- hat side at about a 45 degree angle and the other angled toward the floor tom side at about 45 degrees. You could even throw a mic in the kick to go with it.
it sounds like he'll only have "single mic capabilities" for now, so any more than that are out of the question. If you have one good mic, you can get some decent recordings. Last tuesday the band was over and we recorded the jam for the hell of it, and I only used one overhead for my drums. I close-mic'ed the guitar and bass.....give it a listen, curious as to what people think. BTW this is actually one of our songs we practiced.
The bass is a little loud in the mix, and at one point he stops completely (hey, its a fast song :grin: )...can't hear the bass drums for obvious reasons, but i assure you they're flying when im on the ride cymbal. :) i'd like to hear what you guys think.
Oops, you're right Hulkblood01 he did say he didn't have a mixer.
I must have misread his post the first time.

Get a mixer Medsy!:)

If you can deaden the room quite a bit so that there isn't a lot of room ambience you might be able to use one mic.

A drummer from a band I was in a long time ago recorded his drums with two mic's hung from the ceiling about six feet in front of his kit. He used a home stereo cassette player to record into and it sounded really good. I bet you could get similar results with one mic.
Originally posted by HulkBlood01
Last tuesday the band was over and we recorded the jam for the hell of it, and I only used one overhead for my drums. I close-mic'ed the guitar and bass.....give it a listen, curious as to what people think...

I'm not sure what kind of input you are looking for but I'll give you my thoughts.

The first thing I thought was Slayer. The style reminded me a lot of Slayer.

Performance wise, it sounds like everyone is really pushing the limits of their ability. That can be a good thing as long as it isn't too far of a reach.:)
Originally posted by Mr. Hyde
I'm not sure what kind of input you are looking for but I'll give you my thoughts.

The first thing I thought was Slayer. The style reminded me a lot of Slayer.

Performance wise, it sounds like everyone is really pushing the limits of their ability. That can be a good thing as long as it isn't too far of a reach.:)

haha, yeah it is a little slayer-esque. Don't judge our band on that tune alone, that was one of the four thrashy songs we wrote in one day; its not one of our serious tunes. :grin: Plus, it shows you can get a decent drum sound with one drum mic.
For a 1 mic setup, that is not a bad drum sound. Still, because its a one drum mic setup, you have the problem of the cymbals (most notably the crash) being way louder than the rest of the kit, and the bass drum is almost completely inaudible.

This is a pretty good recording of a jam session though. :)