Pheeewwww... im exhausted.... put in another marathon recording session today/tonight.... put 5 hours+ without a break....... took 1.5 hours just to nail a decent solo take down..... pretty hard solo.....Rest of the song is easy cept needed lots of tracks to thicken it all up....
Anyway....i know im not listed on this song.... but ive recorded it anyway...i was keen for the challenge with the solo and detuning of guitars........
If anyone else wants a spot on this version...i can slot in another guitar part no probs..... i think eddy and amon are on the official version......
This song is multiracking multilayering at its best.... come up heaps fat....i thought the tower was wild sounding but im likin this better.....
Theres a copy avail if anyone wants a listen.... i know mm is always keen to hear how his drumming comes up with an axe attack.... and as always.... the drum quality is totally farkin awesome.....
Ive dribbled enough.... doh..!!

Anyway....i know im not listed on this song.... but ive recorded it anyway...i was keen for the challenge with the solo and detuning of guitars........
If anyone else wants a spot on this version...i can slot in another guitar part no probs..... i think eddy and amon are on the official version......
This song is multiracking multilayering at its best.... come up heaps fat....i thought the tower was wild sounding but im likin this better.....
Theres a copy avail if anyone wants a listen.... i know mm is always keen to hear how his drumming comes up with an axe attack.... and as always.... the drum quality is totally farkin awesome.....
Ive dribbled enough.... doh..!!