Chemical Wedding...


Major Rager...!
Apr 17, 2001
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Pheeewwww... im exhausted.... put in another marathon recording session today/tonight.... put 5 hours+ without a break....... took 1.5 hours just to nail a decent solo take down..... pretty hard solo.....Rest of the song is easy cept needed lots of tracks to thicken it all up....

Anyway....i know im not listed on this song.... but ive recorded it anyway...i was keen for the challenge with the solo and detuning of guitars........

If anyone else wants a spot on this version...i can slot in another guitar part no probs..... i think eddy and amon are on the official version......

This song is multiracking multilayering at its best.... come up heaps fat....i thought the tower was wild sounding but im likin this better.....

Theres a copy avail if anyone wants a listen.... i know mm is always keen to hear how his drumming comes up with an axe attack.... and as always.... the drum quality is totally farkin awesome.....

Ive dribbled enough.... doh..!!

Holy Dump. Nice work dude. Jim just mailed it to he was raving about how good it was. I have to agree. Sounds fat. If I had more time, I would try to slot in with you (or make another version like with 'The Tower')..but time is getting thinner and thinner.

You are gonna need a bass player on this one. Have you tried asking Mr. Hyde? His bass lines are pretty darn good!
hell yeah..... anytime you or any other of the lads can find the time to slot out tracks... anyones more the welcome to join in on any of the songs.... :)

And how bout Mr hyde..... if your interested in some more bass work ( im sure in between your axe work duties though...) ...sure could use some bass on this puppy.....!!

Our sounds and techniques with the guild just keep getting better and better.... its totally farkin mindblowingly cool...... :)

For this song... i layed down 4 individual rythym tracks for the whole song... 1 per channel detuned guitar on top three strings only..... 1 per channel normal tuning on higher strings...... still need to adjust the levels so they blend a lil more....and a fifth and sixth track with a vibrato dub in the chorus' .... MEGA FAT ....heheheheh ;)
Originally posted by Medsy

And how bout Mr hyde..... if your interested in some more bass work ( im sure in between your axe work duties though...) ...sure could use some bass on this puppy.....!!

I'm not real familiar with this song, I popped in my cd and gave it a quick listen....What on earth are they tuned to? It sounds really low. It didn't sound like the bass was doing anything really difficult but I could be wrong because my computer speakers are absolutely buttless and with that low tuning I'm not sure that I could accurately hear the bass part. I'll do it if I can figure out what the bass is doing and if I can play it!:)

So first enlighten me on that tuning, and I'll check it out.
I'm not sure about the bass..but I think guitars are tuned to the 'standard' drop D tuning (where you tune the low E down 1 full step to a D)...and thats about it.
Holy low tunings, I put the cd in my stereo which is slightly less buttless (lacking bottom end) than my computer, and the bass is going way down to C on this song. I'm playing a regular 4 string so I tuned it down and the strings feel like rubber!:) I'm thinking that maybe they used a five string bass with the low B to get those lows. I'll try some different tunings to see if I can work something out.
Those lows sound wicked!
Ok I've decided to try tuning my bass to C G C F It's basically tuned down a whole step with the E dropped another whole step.
I'm not sure if that's how they did it but it works for me and my bass doesn't feel like I'm playing a slinky!:lol:

So Medsy did you post your version somewhere that I can go get it? I'm ready to give this one a shot.
the tuning i used on my detuned guitar was....C,G,C,G,B,E ...but only used first 4 strings......
And normal tuning on the second takes...playing higher chords to fill the spectrum......

Ill have to email it you mr hyde.... be on its way.....
Yeah really did rock all over this one. What a suprise too cause I didnt even know you were gonna do this one. Thanks mate!

oh just a litte note on tuning. In the studio on some tracks they used a guitar stung with bass strings. How wacky is that!
Originally posted by Medsy
the tuning i used on my detuned guitar was....C,G,C,G,B,E ...but only used first 4 strings......
And normal tuning on the second takes...playing higher chords to fill the spectrum......

Ill have to email it you mr hyde.... be on its way.....

Ok but don't email it to my hotmail address because they have a limit on file size. If you send me a quick email at I'll email you the info for my account where I can receive large files. :)
Medsy: I just put together the file and I have to say that it's obvious that you spent a lot of time on this....I feel like the Grinch that stole Christmas right about now because I noticed a mistake in your guitar work. At the beginning ....and later.... I'll assume we both tuned so the low E was a C for the sake of trying to point this out. At the beginning, after the low C, it alternates beween D and D# and you go to D on both...and it's the same later. I hate to have to point it out...I can easily record it the way you did it...but I wanted to mention it to you.
Medsy: I recorded my bass track to your file. I made a couple of mistakes on it, one of which I corrected with a punch in, which ended up making a click in the track and the 2nd of which I didn't correct because I want your opinion on some of the notes I'm playing, and I think I might need to record a new track anyway.
Our tuning seems to go in and out and I'm not sure if it's my bass, or your guitar, or both.

I'm playing something really simple on the bass behind your solo.
I'm not sure if what I'm playing is accurate...I think that maybe there is more to the bass line there but I can't hear it. I decided to keep it simple and ask your opinion.

That is really cool how you broke up that file and emailed it to me in small pieces...I was wondering if I need to do the same when I send you my bass track....if so...I don't know how to do that.:) absolutely right Mr hyde.... very good pickup dude.... your ear is impeccable....>!!!!!!

I completely had no idea it went like that...... so this is what ill do....ill re-record the intro and the other section like it with the proper way and mix it back in...... you can still use the mix i gave you but play it how its meant to go....itll clash on your mix but will be right in the final.......

BUT... i ll only use the new way IF i can manage to replicate a very simililar fat tone so it blends with the rest of the song.... otherwise im afraid id rather keep the parts sounding uniform with that small error than having tones shifting all over the place....

Im keen to hear any bass parts you have...and ill let you know how the re-record parts go ASAP.... just gotta squeeze in some time to re-record it......

About your file splitter.... ill send the program i use....its only a small very basic thing...but its pretty cool....

You know I'm thinking that it might not matter about that chord change. It sounds good like it is, and it might be impossible to match the sound you got on the first one if you try to fix it.

If you want to leave it out, I don't think most people would notice.

About my bass track...I can send it in one piece to you if your mail will allow it...if not...I'll be waiting for that program you use.:)
Sorry, I haven't posted much in the last weeks 'cause I have my aural exams next tuesday. But after that I will record my stuff (Phantom, Remember...). And maybe we could do an 3 guitar thing with chemical?!?!?!? I think that this would sound really powerful. And it's no problem for me to tune down my good old Fender to C. :D

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