Anders Nordin and Johan De farfalla

ante said:
no that is Stefan Guteklint, the bass player before Johan

Thanks Anders! It's not often a former or current bandmember of a band as successful and busy as Opeth takes the to respond to their fans. Thanks also to Mike, as we all know!

All the best! :headbang:
ante said:
well not much have changed actually, I´m in Brazil, moving closer in too the djungle next month and I`m still misstreating my knackers on the bike :D next year is the Pan American games in Rio so I´ll try to grab a place in the time trial

ofcourse not! all´sa honestly really cool too see they have come this far, and it´s good stuff :kickass: so it makes me proud of have beeing there and it´s a good way too run a conversation when I run out of topics ;) like oh" you know Opeth? and blablabla haha

you mean the Kongo Bongo in the end?
well the main idea too have that kind of drums there was Mikaels, but I kind of invented those drums right there in the studio. we had rehearsed alot but for some reason it didnt came out the same as from rehearsals

A shame u didn´t make Le tour this year :)

So how about sillouete was it rehearsed or just improvised?

And finally I have to ask will u ever make music again?