andrew w.k./alexi

Aug 3, 2003

CHILDREN OF BODOM guitarist Alexi Laiho joined ANDREW W.K. onstage during the latter's concert in Milwaukee Friday night (April 23) for a special rendition of "She Is Beautiful". Commented Andrew: "We were playing in one of the downstairs rooms [at the Rave/Eagles Club], and upstairs there was another show. ICED EARTH and CHILDREN OF BODOM were both playing. Those bands are both awesome and we've loved them forever. Richard Christy is the drummer from ICED EARTH and he's an amazing Florida dude! He also makes incredible movies! So check this out — I hope I can explain this: the other band, CHILDREN OF BODOM, are a band I've heard a lot about. Frank, our guitar player, always is talking about how great they are. Finally I got to hear them and THEY RULE!!! There's tons of keyboards and it's really enormous and passionate on a wide and gargantuan scale! So anyway, a few days ago I heard a rumor that CHILDREN OF BODOM were really into our music. I couldn't believe it!!! I thought, that can't be true... BUT I REALLY HOPED IT WAS TRUE!!! Then, just like destiny, a few days after I heard that rumor we wound up in Milwaukee, playing in the same place as CHILDREN OF BODOM!!! And then, most amazing of all, the singer and guitar player, Alexi, asked us if he could play guitar on 'She Is Beautiful'!!! Are you kidding??? NO I'M NOT!!! It was SO awesome! Alexi is a super cool dude and he played the guitar parts like a madman! So great! Nose diving and ripping it to shreds!!! It was a true HONOR to have him on stage with us, and it made the night something I'll always cherish! Squeeze it until it explodes!!! YES!!! Thank you to CHILDREN OF BODOM and everyone else who made the night so awesome!"
Well, that didin't really surprise me. Earlier I saw/read an interview with Alexi and he said something about listening to Andrew W.K. a lot. And that he likes the first Andrew W.K. album more than the second.

So, I already kind of supposed that if those two ever play in the same place, they would wound up playing some song together.
Trust me, Alexi made Andrew W.K. sound cool but after Alexi left, my God did they blow vicious chunks afterwards. There were preps and freshmen kids with their shirts off convulsing all over the floor- they appeared epileptic as did the lead singer. My God, the guy was wearing white pants- most of COB laughed at all of them. I can't believe people pay to watch that shit.

They got the crowd going real crazy- people overcame the security guards and raided the stage- around 15-20 people were up there and jamming with the band- it was crazed- security guards dragged some of them off.
Wow, that sounds cool. And by the way, COB like Andrew W.K.'s music VERY much. You'll soon find out why...
Zarok666 said:
Wow, that sounds cool. And by the way, COB like Andrew W.K.'s music VERY much. You'll soon find out why...
you stupid bastards. . .hes obviously referring to the EP/DVD/ coming out. . . .
they are covering A.W.K. on it. . .derrrrrrrrrr