Andy: Toms Editing and Drum Bussing Questions.


Still Learning
Sep 26, 2003
Bogota, Colombia
What's Up? Just got Exodus "Tempo"... floored...the new Kreator seems to be shaping up quite well, keep 'em videos comming!
I have a couple of questions for you, regarding the way you edit the silence between toms (i use Tab to Transient on PT, and cut at the beginning of the hit/hits, but i am unsure on how to fade it out... do not know how much rumble/leakeage leave after the final hit, or end/tail of the hit, and what kinda fade would work best).
When selecting kick/snare samples, do you select a different sample for each song/part? I ask because i am unsure of how long the sample should be, or how it should be edited to fit the song/part.
And finally, do you do the old drum bus trick? I mean, multing the drums to two different Aux Channels... if you do, what drums do you send to the Regular Drum Bus, and what drums do you send to the Compressed Bus?
Thanks a lot in advance, and best regards from the other side of the pond.

Alejandro Corredor
I just edit the toms at a reasonable point, I'll sometimes gate them, after I've edited to fade them out in an even manner.

No I'll usually use the same samples throughout a song, unless it really needs something different.

Drum buss, nah don't bother with that one, keep it simple.