Angra to tour N. America in the Spring!

If they base their next tour on places they drew poorly, I'll bet they skip Chicago too, that was a tiny crowd in Aurora the last time around. Hopefully they'll still make a Chicago or Milwaukee stop and play a better venue.....

Yeah I'm well aware of how many times that psycho is seeing BG, he might take this as a challenge though, watch out! :lol: You should come out to the west coast too in your quest to follow your beloved Franga.

LOL, grant me a spot to stay in LA and I'll most definitely be there!!! :headbang:

Franga Rules! LOL
If they base their next tour on places they drew poorly, I'll bet they skip Chicago too, that was a tiny crowd in Aurora the last time around. Hopefully they'll still make a Chicago or Milwaukee stop and play a better venue.....


the last tour was less than 5 dates and the Aurora show was so badly advertised it was pathetic. Plus a sunday show where the headliner is on after 11 is not a good thing. That place was getting emptier as the night went on. It was a great show that everyone seemed to Onward played too who were great.
the last tour was less than 5 dates and the Aurora show was so badly advertised it was pathetic. Plus a sunday show where the headliner is on after 11 is not a good thing. That place was getting emptier as the night went on. It was a great show that everyone seemed to Onward played too who were great.

I'm not a big fan of that club, and while I agree that there was ZERO advertising for it, I really thought there would be more people there.
I wasn't thrilled with Onward either.

I'm not a big fan of that club, and while I agree that there was ZERO advertising for it, I really thought there would be more people there.
I wasn't thrilled with Onward either.

This sums up NC too. Angra is one of my favorite bands, and at the time when they first came to the US for Prog Power, I checked their website daily for other dates. Literally a week before the date, NC popped up for a Wednesday. There was no advertising, and 12 people showed (5 of which where there because of me bugging them).

In regards to expecting ore people, Angra hasn't caught on in the States for some reason. They rock in Japan, parts of South America, and a handful of European countries, but the US is somewhere they haven't done as well (probably because they don't play here very often and the market is different). But they are a super talented band, and I hope this upcoming tour will be promoted right and work for them...
Damn, I hate not having internet for 2 days and missing news like this!! :zombie:

Angra touring the US in my birthday month! :worship:

Milton, I challenge you to see who goes to more shows! mwahahahah :heh:

Aquiles is my God!
Wow, I live in NC and had no idea Angra had played here before. Jacksonville is about 4 hours from where I live at though. Kinda sucks that only 12 ppl showed up cause I would personally love to see Angra here. Oh well, I can always travel like I do to most of my shows. One good thing though...Blind Guardian will be in Charlotte on the 5th of December...don't know how good the turnout will be but I will be there.
Wow, I got on here to post about this and first I find out about Sonata and now I find out that the ProgPower news network has once again scooped me on my story! :lol: :lol: :lol:

OKAY, so being that I just confirmed ANGRA this morning for Minneapolis, I will now spill all that I know about this tour.

The information that has been supplied to me is that ANGRA will be doing 5 dates and only 5 dates in the US.

Their tour support is WINTER'S BANE and SHATTER MESSIAH.

They will be starting on Saturday, April 28, 2007 in NYC, presumably at BB Kings.

Sunday, April 29, they are at JAXX.

Monday is a day off.

Tuesday, May 1 is in Cleveland at HoB.

Wednesday, May 2 is in Chicago at an undetermined location (presumably HoB again).

Thursday, May 3 will be in Minneapolis at the STATION 4 nightclub. (Station I will be promoting this show and will be standing on-stage with sword in hand, the metal dork for all to see. :headbang:

This is all information that was given to me verbally by the band's booking agent and I'm sure, as anything is in this business, it is subject to change. I would treat this as merely a sketch outline until something official is posted on ANGRA's website.

Hope to see some of you in May in St. Paul for a great night of metal!!!