Animals As Leaders video premier

There is just something so egotistical, cocky and soulless about someone who practices their instrument to get get at it. Jeez, just practice some blues scales and stop being so high and mighty. :D And why isn't he able to read my mind with the video and do something different. He should of at least consulted the internetz before shooting such a thing to get public opinion.

:lol: All sarcasm, humor and poking fun aside, I dig it. Still spinning this album off and on when I want some heavy, bassy grooves.
Dunno how I feel about them to be honest. I think what they are doing is great, but there is just something about the "cyclical-ness" of it thats boring for me. Amazing playing for sure, the tapping section is amazing. The repeated phrasings over and over I guess kinda remind me of techno / dance music and its kinda boring to me.

But the playing is fucking incredible.
I love this band.
For me, the music never gets boring in any kind, I've tried my luck with Vai, Malmsteen and co. but they all lack those fucking moments that crush the shit out of your brain AND mind(for me). Melodys ftw.

Video is cool but nothing special and not comparable with the crazyness of the music, imo.
Distorted guitar sound is really bad *shrug*

I don't think anyone in their right mind listens to this for the good production:lol:
It's pretty well known by now that the production job on the AAL album is pretty poor
What do you guys like about this?

That's a serious question, and I'm not trying to be a dick either.. It just sounds like a bunch of metal riffs with shredding over it mashed together very sloppily.
God, that snare is so "choked" sounding, I'm thinking from too fast an attack on a pretty heavy comp :erk: The music is pretty cool, but at the same time frustrating, as I feel like some potentially really awesome grooves are missed by too much emphasis IMO on polyrhythms, such as the kick and then rhythm guitars mimic'ing the emphasis of the clean tapping part; it's impressive, but feels kinda like a constant tension buildup with not much of a release (and those 8th notes on the crashes got pretty old). Some damned impressive playing though, and definitely some cool licks

And I'm lol'ing at the thought of all the post-rock/indie/emo "Circa Survive" fans listening to this as an opening act :lol:
I may be blind but... bass player?

There was a massive bass solo section and no bass player to be seen.

I like other songs on the album a lot more than this one. Especially the songs with a more classical vibe. First song that grabbed me was 'Behaving Badly', very cool song! The second riff is something I could never in a million years come up with.