

Hell Bent For Leather!
Feb 23, 2002
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Dunno if we've had a topic about this here before. Anyone else like a bit of the ol' Japanese cartoons/comics? I used to be well into it about three years ago. Lost interest but have gradually drifted back into it. Got the complete Tenchi Universe series on DVD last week and have chugged through it...Tenchi is still my fave :D

So, thoughts? Faves? Hentai?
I love anime but rarely watch it. I think the best one I've seen was the Cowboy Bebop Movie, I was really drawn into that universe unlike very few movies I've ever seen. Impressive stuff, still have yet to watch any of the series though. :loco:
Anime is a nice genre thuogh it's full of mostly crap. I hate the "comical" series with wailing japanese girls and over exagurated facial expressions, also series which try to deliver a dark atmosphere and be serious are usually shit as well (e.g. Hellsing and Berserk). Hellsing beeing an extremly poor attempt to deliver some mystic english "gothic" atmophere and with an intro song that would have suited a series like eastenders a lot better :yuk:

Good anime is:
Ninja Scroll
Princess Mononoke
Ghost in the shell I and II
Spirited Away
I agree with spaffe, although I'm not even sure if I can agree to all the films he listed. I think Ghost in the Shell and Princess Mononoke are overrated. The problem I have with most japanimation flicks is that they just drag on and on at times. It's sleep inducing half the time.

Anyway, here's what I've seen:

Akira - fan-bloody-tastic, still the best that I've ever seen. Pure class.
Spirited Away - cute
Vampire Hunter D - very cool
Crying Freeman - good
Kill Bill - that manga piece in part 1 was superb
Fist of the North Star - I was hoping this would be porn
Urokshutidatrisiskjshdsda - it was gory and forgettable

I have Hellsing on some ripped DVDs somewhere - somebody downloaded the entire series for me - I'll try to watch it one day. I did see a bit of one episode and fell asleep.
Ghost in the Shell was okay, but most other anime I've seen was better. It was too slow and then just left everything hanging. Not in a "you figure it out" way but a "we've got nothing" type of way.

Fist of the North Star is the Mortician of anime. TERRIBLE TERRIBLE TERRIBLE HATE IT IT SUCKED GOD DAMN AWFUL. I yelled at the TV just like that all during it. Blecch.
spaffe said:
I hate the "comical" series with wailing japanese girls and over exagurated facial expressions
Sounds like Tenchi :D I can't really think of much stuff like that I've seen. I have a Dirty Pair tape that I bought out of curiosity, it was ok, that's about it. I think Oh! My Goddess would be good for that, I hear it has a good rep.

Didn't know they did a Cowboy Bebop film :erk: the series was cool. Great intro tune! I haven't watched that for two years? 18 months? Had totally forgotten about it. Maybe something to check out again...

Akira I never really got into, got a bit overhyped before to the extent it could never live up to what I was expecting. Ghost In The Shell I liked, could do with digging that out again. Can't even remember what it was about really...

Urotsukidoji is cool :cool: tentacles, rape, gore explosions...that's full Death Metal material. I should be inspired already :p Part I is best. I thought it was funny how in Part II they actually had a subplot and something besides tentacles and stuff...heheh, kinda liked that bit actually!

The two Patlabor films still stand out real strong for me. VERY clever, takes about five runs to understand EVERYTHING. Very middle-of-the-road - not much swearing, action but not so much, no gore, some humour but not too much. Sounds dull, but it worked for me.
Battle Angel Alita also, was one of my first, VERY cool!

But I still love Tenchi uber alles :p so cutesy!
I doubt anything will ever top my favorite of Neon Genesis Evangelion. That's one series I enjoy to keep watching over and over...

I have the first couple of eps on DVD of cowboy bebop, thats another good one. I used to catch it on TV from time to time, even though I'm never that fond of dubs......

and how can you deny the cheesy nonsense of BIG O??!? that's one i secretly appreciate more than I should.

I haven't really seen anything new in a while......
Chromatose said:
I doubt anything will ever top my favorite of Neon Genesis Evangelion. That's one series I enjoy to keep watching over and over...
I really want to see this series, since my favorite video game ever, Xenogears, is allegedly based on it. Someday I'll get it, especially if it goes into the nature of God v. Man like Xenogears did.
IOfTheStorm said:
I have seen some which were all cool, and the best is by far : GRAVE OF THE FIREFLIES

Yes that one is pretty good, albeit too slow at times but really beautiful.

And yes Jay, it's pretty damn sad ;), but see it anyway if you get the chance, it's worth it
aside from the bit in kill bill i dont particularly care for it. id much rather watch some samuri jack (which kinda mocks anime). that show fuckin rules. totally action packed and with GREAT music.
Chromatose said:
I doubt anything will ever top my favorite of Neon Genesis Evangelion. That's one series I enjoy to keep watching over and over...
:OMG: How did I forget about that?! Probably because I've only seen two episodes and own one manga, and that's from ages ago. Those two eps were fucking deep though, fucking sad. One of them was when the main character did all that spinny soul-searching shit, and the other characters were bringing him up to speed with philosophy. Ring any bells?
The video shop down the road has some DVDs of that to rent. I MUST get onto it someday!