Another Epic Metal Song (not so serious) ;)

Aug 24, 2004

Maybe i can get a record deal in latvia or somewhere with it... ;)
I think i call this Projekt "Pow(d)er Force" Maybe i make some T-Shirts and stuff for it...;)

Maybe we can go on tour with Dragon Forest or something...

And "Maybe" is my favourite word today! ;)

About the song:

I played every instrument myself! The "Solos" are all first takes because i am a genious ;) !!!!! I used Pro Tools, my LTD EC-something, I mixed it on my Behringer HPS3000 Headphones. Bass and Keyboards are Digidesign Xpand!
Drums are RM IV with Andys samples. Cymbals are from an old Akai CD...
Guitars are Johnson J-Station 2 Tracks 100% left / right.

And now listen to this great Masterpiece! Because i'm sure i'm a genious in a bottle!!!! I'm not God i'm his Boss!!!! Man am i great....
Mendel said:
sounds really fast, verry, verry dragonforce !

really dig the chorus.

really don't dig the guitar solo, it's just fast fast arps arps etc etc :D but that's just me.

Mendel when i send you the Mp3 without the "Solos" can you play some proper solos over it?
I can play OK Rythm but i'm a shit Soloplayer...:headbang:
fabz said:
Mendel when i send you the Mp3 without the "Solos" can you play some proper solos over it?
I can play OK Rythm but i'm a shit Soloplayer...:headbang:

Post it for everyone and see you can play the best solo! :headbang: That'd be fun. :D