Regarding Black Metal(serious)

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TaylorC said:
It's black metal if...

- They sing about Satan
- They sing about hating Christianity or God
- They mention sodomizing something or someone
- They mention raping something or someone
- They sing about/feature goats
- They sing about/feature pentagrams
- They sing about/feature inverted crosses
What about decide :erk:
Seriously though, listen to that fucking Graveland song clip and the other ones from the upcoming album. Based on these samples, the next album will be better than Dawn of Iron Blades.
Demiurge said:
It's hard for me to take any of this guy's posts at all seriously anymore because I keep remembering the thread he started(on another forum?) in which he whined about how depressed he was and how it was so difficult for him to fit in. He complained about how badly he wants to be a regular 9 to 5 american so people will like him. He wishes he were 21 years old so he could buy his own booze, not for the sake of partying, but to medicate himself. This, he thinks, is going to improve his pathetic existence. The Greys is a loser on a level all his own.

I'm sure you're wondering why I told you this. No reason really, I've always thought the guy was a shithead and figured the rest of you might as well know, too.

Aside from Carpathian Wolves and before, Graveland hasn't been remotely scary or threatening. That's not the aim of the band.

Most people deal with depression. Most people have up's and downs. Points of uncertainty if they are living. When I do I don't dress like a goth. I don't put on corpse paint so people will feel sorry for me. Then blame everyone else for the way things are. I eventually figure it out. On top of that not even attempting to play my instrument. Most of the world hates BM for a reason. I have a friend into underground Black Metal. It's very whiny and depressing. Depressing even people having a bad day can't relate to. Most people can find something better to do than be goths and bitch. I've wasted more than enough time giving a bunch of dildo fags a chance with their ridiculously shitty music. I don't know what's worse MTV music or underground BM. I do know what ties them together. If you don't like mainstream music get into metal because it's more diverse and interesting. Not because it's shitty hot topic music and more lame.

It's not my lose. I posted this thread to maybe see it differently. Thanks for nothing mr gothic rebel. I'm done with underground black metal. I can't wait to talk to people that do not like it either. I've always thought you were a shithead along with black metal fans.
The Greys said:
It's not my lose. I posted this thread to maybe see it differently. Thanks for nothing mr gothic rebel. I'm done with underground black metal. I can't wait to talk to people that do not like it either. I've always thought you were a shithead along with black metal fans.

Nobody cares whether or not you like Black Metal, so please stop trying to sound like your not listening to certain bands is hurting anything.
This thread has more aid's than a sudanese village. The geys if you don't like fucking black metal. Don't listen to it. Do what you do, when you hear your single mother yelping like a shot otter after she meets up with some "Stu" at the local pub & grub and takes him back to her place for a night of symphonical clit slitting...And remain silent! How old are you?!? Your coming off as a socially inadequate insignificant pile of flesh who feels the need to question other peoples opinions that differ from his own. People like black metal, you like testicals on the chin. Who the fuck is either side to judge?

The Greys said:
Most people deal with depression. Most people have up's and downs. Points of uncertainty if they are living. When I do I don't dress like a goth. I don't put on corpse paint so people will feel sorry for me. Then blame everyone else for the way things are. I eventually figure it out. On top of that not even attempting to play my instrument. Most of the world hates BM for a reason. I have a friend into underground Black Metal. It's very whiny and depressing. Depressing even people having a bad day can't relate to. Most people can find something better to do than be goths and bitch. I've wasted more than enough time giving a bunch of dildo fags a chance with their ridiculously shitty music. I don't know what's worse MTV music or underground BM. I do know what ties them together. If you don't like mainstream music get into metal because it's more diverse and interesting. Not because it's shitty hot topic music and more lame.

It's not my lose. I posted this thread to maybe see it differently. Thanks for nothing mr gothic rebel. I'm done with underground black metal. I can't wait to talk to people that do not like it either. I've always thought you were a shithead along with black metal fans.
LOOOOOOOOOOOOL, this is the worst post in the history of the Internet
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