Regarding Black Metal(serious)

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genocide roach said:
comercial black metal is an oxymoron. black metal is not, nor will it ever be, commercial. until i see emperor albums goes platinum, and i see mayhem/gorgoroth/darkthrone do a stadium tour across the world, and i see pictures of varg in the window of sam goody; black metal isnt commercial

Well, you can buy Emperor and Immortal albums in Best Buy...
Christie_fell said:
Never listen to a word this man says. Ever again.
That was laughable.
V.V.V.V.V. said:

I fucking hate all of you fucks who think that just because a band sings about Satan they are black metal. Deicide is black metal by that notion. While I tend to make a hypocrite out of myself in this area, I DO agree that 25-45% of the time, black metal is GENERALLY ROOTED IN SOME KIND OF IDEOLOGY BACKED BY THE MUSIC AND AESTHETICS OF THE BAND AS A SORT OF CATHARSIS OF PAGAN TIMES, ANTI-CHRISTIANS RANTS, ETC.

Thank you very much.
When I read the first half of your post I thought it was satire and I thought "hell yeah - finally someone who knows soemthing."
Then I read the second half of your post and realized you weren't being sarcastic. Then I laughed in your face.
ænimated said:
God damn it, I'm a fag.

I guess I'm a fag too... I guess we might aswell ....

Graveland's to hetero for me. I will get out of black metal before it scares me away!
Blade Golem said:
Well, you can buy Emperor and Immortal albums in Best Buy...

yeah, and i bet if you marked em and came back 3 months later, theyd still be there.

just because they are best buy doesnt mean they are commercial, it just means they have good distro
People that choose what to listen to according to whether it is "evil" or not are retards and are only trying to be cool. I am a black metal fan and I listen to whatever appeals to me. Why should I care whether other people say that what I like is gay? If you like it then just ignore them. They are not you, and you are not them. Case closed.
As far as the bands that you think that they are "gayer" than the ones that you listen to...well, it is better to try and avoid sticking to just one song and let this song rule all the rest creations of the band. Check out several songs from different albums, and if you are not sure whether you like it or not give it one more go (if it doesn't appeal to you from the first time then...fair enough).
Finally, if you don't like BM (or DM or whatever), and you've allready given it many chances but it still doesn't click to you (like you said), then you can just not listen to it instead of saying that all people that listen to BM are gay and retards and so on. Nobody should pressurize you to listen to something that you don't like.
genocide roach said:
yeah, and i bet if you marked em and came back 3 months later, theyd still be there.

just because they are best buy doesnt mean they are commercial, it just means they have good distro

I was just saying....and actually, I've seen them sell. The person who made the original comment didn't mean "commercial" in the strictly commercial sense, he meant bands like Old Man's Child are commercial compared to Graveland and other stuff like that.
The Greys said:
I do not consider myself a black metal fan but I enjoy Old Man's Child-In Defiance of existence,Dissection and some others. I've had people tell me my tastes in black metal suck and are feminine. I don't really give a shit because the bands they like always sound gayer.

The same person that told me that posted a link to this black metal band. Which was ironic to me.

Is this stuff really less gay,feminine,darker and more aggressive than Old Man's Child-In Defiance of Existence in black metal fans eyes. Does anyone really think so ?. Are black metal fans just idiots, is this stuff really suppose to be 1% threatening. Everyone talks about how evil black metal is. This stuff could not scare a christian let alone a baby. Do goths, kvly black metaller's put something like this on thinking it's scary,dark and hateful. The drummer is awful also. I am not saying Old Man's Child-IDOE or Dissection is threatening but it's certainly less gay and more interesting than 'Graveland'. This stuff is just very week,non aggressive and less heavy than the 'feminine' crappy psuedo black metal bands I like. The bands they talk shit about are shitloads better,more aggressive, dark and innovating. It just seems like a bunch of jealous idiots.

I don't want to start an arguement, just some explaining on 'black metal'. I've went through a lot of death metal,etc... for years and love it. I can't say the same for 'black metal' maybe it will never click.

Idiot. :err:
It's hard for me to take any of this guy's posts at all seriously anymore because I keep remembering the thread he started(on another forum?) in which he whined about how depressed he was and how it was so difficult for him to fit in. He complained about how badly he wants to be a regular 9 to 5 american so people will like him. He wishes he were 21 years old so he could buy his own booze, not for the sake of partying, but to medicate himself. This, he thinks, is going to improve his pathetic existence. The Greys is a loser on a level all his own.

I'm sure you're wondering why I told you this. No reason really, I've always thought the guy was a shithead and figured the rest of you might as well know, too.

Aside from Carpathian Wolves and before, Graveland hasn't been remotely scary or threatening. That's not the aim of the band.
It's black metal if...

- They sing about Satan
- They sing about hating Christianity or God
- They mention sodomizing something or someone
- They mention raping something or someone
- They sing about/feature goats
- They sing about/feature pentagrams
- They sing about/feature inverted crosses
- They sing about/feature the name of Elisabeth Bathory
- They wear outfits that make Kiss look straight
- They use words like "grim", "necro", "holocaust", "tr00", "kvlt", "wotan", etc

If I left anything off the list, feel free to add to it... :p
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