Another Experiment with 6505 and CurveEQ

At this point I think the Curve EQ file+impulse are just the ticket.

the pre chain is just gain stages to our ears... interesting.

nice work Daunt
just gotta ask; you're not pulling our legs? :D

Nope :)

If this is really true -> man that would be crazy!

How did you record the Metalzone? Direct or through an amp? If you recorded it direct please post a guitar only track of what comes out of the Metalzone without any eq, etc.

I am very interested in hearing how it sounds before anything as I never used one....

See my other thread for more information on the technique. Without EQ and impulse it's just BUZZ like any other pedal or preamp. The funny thing is that Metal Zone was not even connected to the instrument input like it should've been :)

The next step would be duplicating the Mesa sound. Send me your preamp tracks!
Hey man, that's crazy... I've played with one of these stomp boxes here in person and it sounded like total arse...

If you don't mind elaborating though... I don't actually understand what it is you're doing.

From what I gather, you went from the MT-2 directly into your interface, then ran the CurveEQ file of a 6505 preamp over it, and then ran it through GuitarHack's cab impulse.
Thanks man! That's so amazing... If I get my hands on a reamp unit I'm gonna try this with my friend's Boss Heavy Metal pedal... see if we can't get some Bloodbath action happening :)

One more question if I may... did you have a lot of gain on the pedal dialed in? Or does the Curve EQ setting somehow approximate distortion... as I assume you would've got the Curve EQ file from a Peavey 6505 running a buzzy/distorted sound...
I tried to match the sound with my ear before using CurveEQ. Distortion and all. The picture shows the settings on MT-2. Sample B is just 6505 without the pre-impulse EQ.

Sample A
Interface -> Redeye -> MT-2 -> Interface -> CurveEQ -> Impulse -> Post EQ

Sample B
Interface -> Redeye -> 6505 -> Interface -> Impulse -> Post EQ
I've gotten some pretty decent results with curve eq before, but it never occured to me to try it on the preamp only track. I tried it yesterday by loading a 5150 clip with a preamp track I recently recorded, and shit, that works like a charm! Have to fiddle around some more and see what I can get.
Here's a question and probably a stupid at that. I followed your directions for loaded your curveeq file. Once I hit save after playing a bit of audio, the curve looks nothing like the curve that you have a picture of. Is that how it's supposed to be? Sorry, I'm not trying to turn this thread into a curveeq tutorial, just making sure I am doing it right because I want to try this experiment with a few other pieces of hardware too.
Here's a question and probably a stupid at that. I followed your directions for loaded your curveeq file. Once I hit save after playing a bit of audio, the curve looks nothing like the curve that you have a picture of. Is that how it's supposed to be? Sorry, I'm not trying to turn this thread into a curveeq tutorial, just making sure I am doing it right because I want to try this experiment with a few other pieces of hardware too.

Your curve won't look the same unless your raw audio sounds exactly same as mine. That's what matching is about.
Man, gerat work with this experiment! I'm loving the tone out of Rockmaster and MetalZone... If you did it some months ago, I would never sold my MT-2...

I'm trying your ideas with some amp-sims, getting some decent result, but I think it could sound better than now...

Can I ask you to upload the clean dry signal (just a few seconds...) you used for reamping (if i'm not asking much, also the preamp and postcab processed signal out of the 6505 would be interesting to compare the results)?
By this way my Curve EQ settings should have much more precision...

If you can, it would be great (at least for me)...

Anyway thanks for sharing the ideas!
Can I ask you to upload the clean dry signal (just a few seconds...) you used for reamping (if i'm not asking much, also the preamp and postcab processed signal out of the 6505 would be interesting to compare the results)?
By this way my Curve EQ settings should have much more precision...

Anyway thanks for sharing the ideas!

I'm too busy at the moment to do this, sorry. Also, I would have to ask the band etc. Maybe you could post some samples and I could try to help you?
Where did GuitarHack post the Edge Sneap impulse? I must've missed that batch, and can't find it with search... I've just got the one with tons of different positions named like FRED45-HALF or whatever.