Another guest solo! (this time for MetalOverload's Sports theme hehehe)


Feb 20, 2005
Hey dudes, Antonio/MetalOverload was kind enough to let me contribute a solo to the theme he wrote for a sports show from his area of Mexico, and the song is totally rockin', so it was a blast to solo over! Check it out here, I'd really appreciate your thoughts!
No problem dude, glad you like it, and I can't wait to hear the final version! And Andrew, thanks a ton dude - I definitely love my delay, and while I've never been the fastest player, I try to make up for it with taste!
Thanks a lot Brett, much appreciated dude! Petrucci is definitely one of my idols (or at least when he controls himself from endless wankery :loco: ), and the tone was actually TSS - Wagner MkII - Boogex (with one of my impulses), then an EQ to cut out 200, 400, 700, and boost 4k
Andy, don't fight it if it feels so :lol:

Necro, thanks man! I'll check out that thing you posted tomorrow, about to hit the hay (yes, checking the ol' forum is the last thing I do before bed :D)

And I actually updated the song (same link above), by adding literally one note near the end - just punched it in, cuz I felt it really needed it!
Hey Marcus...reallllly nice and tasteful! Great job. I can hear a just a tiny bit of your Neal Schon influence in there. :)

Thanks a ton Mark, that's definitely high praise indeed, cuz the Schonster is the man! :)

And actually, listening to it now after you mention it, it's kinda frightening how much it reminds me of "Be Good to Yourself," so spot on! :D

Haha awesome, it had such a flow in it! Swoooooosh... like water flowing down the river, nice job man! :)

I quite enjoyed that, it has some good melodic flow. Nice work, Marcus. I think it'll fit right in with the other programs on the tube.

Thanks guys, flow is definitely what I aim for, so I appreciate it! Ermz, as a hater of television, I'm not quite sure how to take that last part, but I assume you meant it as a compliment :lol:
Thanks Keith! And Stee, yeah, of course this is louder than it would be in a normal mix cuz, well, it is a showcase :D Thanks for the compliments man!
Yeah, yeah, yeah why is there no repeat button on the soundclick player? Great Job, dude! I like it :) Nothing negative to say about it at all!! Reminds me a bit on Joe Satriani stuff..and I mean that as a compliment!
Haha, thanks a lot Felix, I appreciate it dude! Definitely one of the happiest things I've ever done, but why not! :D