Another headphones question..


Apr 17, 2009
Beyerdynamic DT 770 Pro-80


I was reading the older threads on this shit. I'm looking at some very high quality ones because i can't use my monitors in the flat (Need something thats going to match a pair of Tannoy 6D's or at least come close to that)

Have tried using headphones before, didn't really like the environment thought the sound lacked 'air' but i have no choice really! plus the cans i used then were pretty crap!

does anyone have those beyerdynamic headphones and can tell me pro's and cons? perhaps recommend any better for the money?

thanks guys
ATH M50 are considered better for mixing.

The DT 770 might be too bass heavy ; FWIR, they aren't at all the best studio headphones because of their frequency response. The DT-250 are more neutral are suited to studio use but have soft highs and less extended lows from my limited experience compared to the M50's.
IMO the Audio Technica ATH M50's are the best buy for that price.

Hmm are there any other sets which great for mixing AND recording? both are as important...i've got a decent budget since i get paid quite alot at the end of the month.
how about the Denon AH-D2000's?

they've got a really flat frequency response. Has anyone tried these because i'm pretty set on them tbh and they are right in my budget zone!
god damnit! fuck the neighbours i don't care about blasting my tannoy reveal 6D's through their walls :P

hmmm everyone keeps rootin' for the AT M-50's. This might sound stupid but for guitar tone would i set the tone using a set of mixing headphones i.e the AT's so that i get good isolation for the right sound?