...another Hungarian gig (11.12.04) *grrr...*


Sep 2, 2003
Budapest, Hungary
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weeeee a friend of mine has just phoned me about that another gig was arranged and it will really happen, not just a rumour, and as I sat down to buy my ticket I realised that by today all the tickets are sold out :cry:
that's just not fair, he ordered the tickets together a week (or two) later than me, had to pay less and got them before me :(

well, Danny or Zero, could you please help me? I would not take up much place and would even happily pay (if I could, to support the band and negativeart too for they did much for us, both of them) if I could go!

can you help me somehow, please?

Loona said:
weeeee a friend of mine has just phoned me about that another gig was arranged and it will really happen, not just a rumour, and as I sat down to buy my ticket I realised that by today all the tickets are sold out :cry:
that's just not fair, he ordered the tickets together a week (or two) later than me, had to pay less and got them before me :(

well, Danny or Zero, could you please help me? I would not take up much place and would even happily pay (if I could, to support the band and negativeart too for they did much for us, both of them) if I could go!

can you help me somehow, please?


pfff havent you seen them already? you'll get over it, move on with your life girl, it aint worth it ffs!
Beware people, I tell thee, they're among us *in nomi de patrii et filii et spiritus sanityclaus* our dear Ikeaboy has already been touched, pray to the Lord and let your breath be convoluted by spasms of garlic.

But yeah, Loonah, what's the fuss and the buzz, you can go see them in Buddiepest anyway, bahh Békéscsaba.
hm, you say something... still I would be happy to see them more, but I've seen them enough not to be sad. only I was a bit embarassed about that it took ages to receive my ticket, whereas others could receive it in less than a week and had much more luck with the other one... and to be honest I got a bit fucked up with the phone calls like 'yo, guess what am I staring at, that is on my shelf right now? my two tickets... :bah: