Another London Bombing?? Does anyone have any more info?

Oinkness said:
The UN is corrupt and shouldn't necessarily have controll over the whole world. We're not even a member of the UN.

I think that the UN is a great organization, and like someone mentioned above, hopefully you're not saying that the USA is not part of the UN. There's something like 150 countries that are part of the UN and the United States is obviously one of them and so are all the other big countries in the world.
Nuk3m said:
Yeh it seems to be a trend in history, but thats how America has its huge war budget, they sell all the old shit to their enemies or people

The Russians and French are worse. Ethiopia for fucks sake has an air Force of Russian su-27s (in the right hands could probably take down a few US planes), France supplied most of Saddams weapons (but he refused to pay the bill when all his aircraft shelters got holes put in them but US bombs) his tanks and armour, while Russia supplied the Aircraft. I would also bet that Russia was supplying weapons to the IRA (tom clancy is probably not the most reliable source though).

Also selling to enemies, who? Israel, is not an enemy of the US, Sth Korea? Japan? Germany? Australia? Greece? Holland? None of those countries are enemies. Also the tech that is supplied is often stripped down, when F-14's were supplied to Iran (when the us and Iran got along) there weapons capablity was downgraded, meaning if the US they would still ahve an advantage. Probably the only dodgy deal I can think of at the moment is with Pakistan, its obviously about getting a friend in the war on terrorism by supplying weapons.

As John Howard said, people hated America before Iraq, and will hate then afterwards.
My point about America supporting the IRA was not about supplying them with the weapons, it is not a question of planes and the like.

As I understand it, most of their funding came through an American organisation called Noraid (not sure on spelling as have not seen it written down for years). This means that the US general public was directly financing the terrorism in our country...
Well i was refering to Afganistan mostly when i generalised about the US of A. They trained first hand and funded alot of training for alot of people who now are known terrorists, also gave them alot of shit in the aim to fight of the reds.

I dont know why Oinkness said the US arnt apart of the UN. The USA is apart of the security council for fucks sake.

He might have meant that the US has NOT signed all the Geneva conventions specific to war laws.

I think the UN is currupt but quite abit of good comes out of it like military aid for countries, and i mean in the sence where a country spares some engineering troops to go over and build for small villages hit by conflict or natural disasters.

Also i might add some of the geneva convetions are totally horse shit when it comes to the practical world of combat but alot of them are good for civilians and militants and even wildlife.

The london bombings are a fucked up thing to do but sadly it does not surprise me because of the ammount of shit been flung in both directions.
Looking for a Job said:
indeed. there was never terrorism before bush became president.

You're totally wrong. There's been terrorism since long before Bush was president. But before 9/11 American people did not know a shit about terrorism. You guys didn't care about it since you usually don't give a fuck about the things happening outside of the US. But when terrorism hit you, every American started complaining and cursing terrorists and blah blah.

For example, there's terrorist group called PKK in Turkey. Nearly 30.000 Kurds and Turkish people died since 1980s. Most of the European countries including USA did not even recognize PKK as a terrorist group.
But after 9/11 they started to see them as terrorist and now they are cooperating with Turkey to stop that organization.

Just another simple example of USA political hypocrisy. Sad, but true. :Spin:

Arnold Layne said:
As John Howard said, people hated America before Iraq, and will hate then afterwards.

And to make something more clear, most people (especially Europeans) hate the US politics. They dont have anything to do with the people of America. So i cant understand why most Americans are afraid to leave and travel out of the USA. ( Like last year a friend of mine was going to Paris, he asked me if people would attack him in the streets beacuse he's American :tickled: )
I remember when I used to argue politics, but then I realised it's a massive waste of time. Bush sucks, Kerry sucks, war is bad, war is good etc, etc... shut the fuck up. Fighting over whose opinion is more right with disputable evidence is like debating religeon. I mean, come on, it's face God is real and Jeudaism is the chosen religeon, so what's the point?

Also, the whole bombing situation going on in England is truely tragic news, and hopefully it's put a stop to immediately.
atrocity said:
You're totally wrong. There's been terrorism since long before Bush was president. But before 9/11 American people did not know a shit about terrorism. You guys didn't care about it since you usually don't give a fuck about the things happening outside of the US. But when terrorism hit you, every American started complaining and cursing terrorists and blah blah.

:lol: Just want to let you know that you completely wasted your time in making this point to Gunhaver, and everyone here. And to assume that a majority people knew nothing about terrorism before this is quite ignorant of you.
Botfly said:
:lol: Just want to let you know that you completely wasted your time in making this point to Gunhaver, and everyone here. And to assume that a majority people knew nothing about terrorism before this is quite ignorant of you.
I have to agree with you about Gunhaver. :tickled:

I am talking about majority of Americans, Canadians, New Zelands(?) etc. (i am talking about the people, though. Not the government.) You have to agree with me that most people living in those countries do not want to know or care about the things happening outside. I am saying that coz of my own high school experiences :P

History teacher + X student:

- History teacher: - Question of the day, What is NATO?
- x student: - Strategic missle nuke! :erk:

But that changed on 9/11.
You people may laugh about these attacks not having any casualties, but these terrorists objectives are not just killing people, they want to disrupt our society, using fear, chaos, panic, hate, disorder and confusion. Looking at how people reacted, and the general sentiment of fear rising, I guess they achieved what they wanted.
atrocity said:
I am talking about majority of Americans, Canadians, New Zelands(?) etc. (i am talking about the people, though. Not the government.) You have to agree with me that most people living in those countries do not want to know or care about the things happening outside. I am saying that coz of my own high school experiences :P

This is correct, although there is a reason for this. It's not the people's fault they aren't informed about everything that is going on in the world, it's the media not informing people about things, and being choosy to only show things that don't disgrace them or their affiliates or those affiliates' affiliates and so on. I'm sure people would care what's going on around the world if the news would inform them that "75,000 Nigerian's die when fleeing from where-ever-the-fuck" or "the serious food shortages in Ethiopia" or "famines killing hundreds and thousands."

*Sigh* I don't think a majority of us would know Africa was short in food if not for the commercials asking for money, or Oprah. Alas, we live in a country where they replace 100,000 people dying in third world countries with stories of an old man's dog being found after his car was stolen. Blame mainstream media only focusing on our problems and nobody else's, don't blame the people because that is all they are informed of.

"blame the teacher, not the student"
^ I disagree. The media shows those things that the mass show intrests in (=topics that sell). If people wanted to know what happened on the other side of the world, they would show.

Ironicly, the coverage of interest is:
1 person died in the neigbourhood = 10 people died somewhere in the country = 100 people somewhere in the West = 1000 people died somewhere else.

Nobody cares 500 people died in a train crash in Pakistan
I am not blaming anyone. Or I am not saying Americans should care more about the other countries.

The thing I complain about is the hypocrisy.

Like I said, almost 100 people die in Iraq every day. ( American soldiers, Iraq Civilians, Kurds etc. ) but nobody seem to care about that.

But when there's bombings in London everyone starts to weird out and stuff.

I feel for the people in London ,as my own country suffered from terrorism WAY TOO MUCH.(Nobody seemed to care, since it's happening in Turkey. We're not part of EU, we're mostly Muslims? etc.) But when it's London ,everyone feel sorry for them and try to show how innocent English people are and stuff.

Look at Iraqis man, they are human beings too. They are innocent too. I dont think anyone feel sorry for them as much as you do for English people.

and dont get me wrong, I am DEFINITELY against terrorism that's happening ANYWHERE in the World. I feel sorry for London as much as,maybe even more than you do.

Well anyways hope you get what I mean, if you read and try to get something out of my posts. :D
I totally sympathise with and understand what atrocity is saying. I used to live in a rather obscure little country that the west could give nary a shit about. There was a decimating war there, after which NATO came to 'keep the peace' (hah, keep the peace between what? the walking dead and those who had already wiped them all out?).

You have to keep in perspective that worse shit happens in the world than London on a DAILY basis. It's just that the western media is so selective with what they show. They only show things relevant to westerners, and will sensationalize comparatively minor events to seem like global tragedies.

I sympathise with those in London who are enduring all this at the moment, but I also sympathise with all the other countries who are suffering undue harm whilst the global media spotlight is elsewhere.
Moonlapse said:
I totally sympathise with and understand what atrocity is saying. I used to live in a rather obscure little country that the west could give nary a shit about. There was a decimating war there, after which NATO came to 'keep the peace' (hah, keep the peace between what? the walking dead and those who had already wiped them all out?).

You have to keep in perspective that worse shit happens in the world than London on a DAILY basis. It's just that the western media is so selective with what they show. They only show things relevant to westerners, and will sensationalize comparatively minor events to seem like global tragedies.

I sympathise with those in London who are enduring all this at the moment, but I also sympathise with all the other countries who are suffering undue harm whilst the global media spotlight is elsewhere.

That is a very valid point, well made.

I am sure the objectives of the instigators (those that survive themselves anyway) of these incidents are getting a kick out of the media attention. Part of the reason that there is so much attention worldwide is that the world is realising that our weaknesses are the same as theirs. How many cities have an underground train network? I understand that if it can happen here, it can happen anywhere... this goes way beyond any religious or political motivations. It is now a proven and successful approach to causing disruption, whatever the point in question is.

The one thing I am very encouraged about is that the Country is dealing with this in a very British way. We have been being bombed for years, but we just get on with it. There is a tragic loss of life in the majority of these incidents and I don't want to belittle anyone that has suffered loss because of it, but we just have to get on with it and continue as normal.

The world is changing and this sort of thing will only increase over time. I for one do not intend to live in fear. When my time is up, it is up.

The loss of life here is no more important than any other unjust loss of life anywhere else.

Oh and one other thing... don't believe things you see on television or in the press. More people are manipulated into their naïve opinions this way than any other. The demise of the art of thinking is more terrifying than anything that has happened here recently.

"A life lived in fear is only half lived..."
The media is probably at its most manipulative now. Without ranting it seems that before politics influenced the media, now it seems as if it is almost the other way around.

The British Police are good, suspects getting rounded up today. Just said on tv snipers may have shot some one.