Another newbie from Australia!


New Metal Member
Apr 13, 2008
First post on the forum, so hello to everyone. :)

A little bit about me, my name is Josh, I'm 17 turning 18 in November, I was born in Australia and have lived here all my life, but I've traveled a lot. I've been playing bass for around four years now, most of my spare time is wasted by looking at pictures of basses and lurking around on bass/guitar forums. :D For any fellow musicians interested, this is my current setup;



Ibanez RD300
Ernie Ball Musicman Stingray 4
Washburn T24 Taurus

Ampeg SVT-3PRO 450w Head
Ampeg SVT-410HLF 500w Cab
Ashdown 'Perfect 10' Combo
Ashton BA15 Combo

EHX Russian Big Muff


I've never been in a band before, but I'm pretty eager to see what it's like, so if there are any musicians around the Northern Beaches/Suburbs area in Sydney that want to jam, lemme know. :)

I'm also an arts student, getting my Certificate III in Arts at the moment, and after that my Diploma in Graphics Design. I've always wanted to be a graphics designer, so it's pretty cool that my dream is coming true!

As for musical tastes, I like almost all sub-genres of metal. I'm really fond of classical music (especially Bach), and every now and then I don't mind listening to some funk or jazz. :cool:

Sorry for writing a book, dudes!
I guess you'll be seeing a lot more of me around here, I'm on break from college and I have nothing better to do than sit around, play Xbox with mates and post in forums. :D


Mate welcome to the UM :rock:

plenty to do around the site the only thing is when your awake their asleep..:lol: and it's bloody hard to wake them up, but they are a good bunch of people I hope you enjoy wot the site has to offer :kickass:

Cheers :kickass: maiden1

Mate welcome to the UM :rock:

plenty to do around the site the only thing is when your awake their asleep..:lol: and it's bloody hard to wake them up, but they are a good bunch of people I hope you enjoy wot the site has to offer :kickass:

Cheers :kickass: maiden1


Yeah man, tends to be like that when you're at the bottom of the world! :D
I'm having good fun rifling through the Band Recommendations sub-forum. The reason I joined was to find some new bands, I haven't found anything decent to listen to in almost a fuckin' year! My friends and I are calling it "The Great Metal Drought".

Thanks for the welcome bro, :kickass: