Another School shootout in Finland.

the phenom

Jun 7, 2007
This shit is starting to get really bad.
"Police say they have disarmed and arrested a gunman who went on a rampage inside a Finnish school.

"I just heard from the police radio that the shooter has been caught. He no longer has a gun," said a police spokesman in the southwestern Finnish town of Kauhajoki.

Police feared several casualties.

Superintendent Jussi Muotio of the Kauhajoki police said the incident was over and police did not know if anyone had been killed. He declined to give more details.

Media reports said the shootings began just before 11am (1800 AEST) and initial reports suggested that the suspect was a 20-year-old student.

There were some 200 students in the building at the trade school in Kauhajoki, western Finland, where the shooting was reported, public broadcaster YLE said.

A school teacher was quoted as telling YLE that several students had been hit but had no details of their injuries.

Police ordered students to evacuate the school.

In November 2007, a Finnish high school student killed eight people in a school shooting before killing himself.

The November shooting at Jokela, 60km north of Helsinki, triggered a series of threats against schools in Finland and its Nordic neighbours."

9 People are dead. All are suspected to be students.

I really feel bad for their families...:cry:
harsh reality,some people jsut degrade mentally then go on these rampages and take these young individuals who have their whole lives ahead of them,:S
This sucks, a big time. And this time it happened near my hometown, 30 minutes by car. No one I know there, luckily.

I really feel bad for the students and especially those 9 dead ones families.

I always thought nothing like this would happen in Finland. And this is the second time. Or actually, 3rd, first one was 1989, 2 people dead. Whats wrong with this country?!!
Well i have couple friends there and I heard from them that there is more than 9 victims, but of course you can't be sure of that...
And quess what guys, I just found one funny litlle message board where all kinds of hippies and religious people blame music. And quess what kind of music, metal of course... Faggots...
This sucks, a big time. And this time it happened near my hometown, 30 minutes by car. No one I know there, luckily.

I really feel bad for the students and especially those 9 dead ones families.

I always thought nothing like this would happen in Finland. And this is the second time. Or actually, 3rd, first one was 1989, 2 people dead. Whats wrong with this country?!!

Yeah its not further than maybe 45 minutes to 1 hour by car from here either :erk:

I guess what is freaking me out how the Jokela shooting seemed to have caused this fucking thing. It seems as that was pretty similar.
no one blaming counterstrike? well okay it seems publicity is still in oh-my-god mood. searching for reasons will follow soon and of course first it's CS and comes Heavy Metal.

Okay it's easier to blame a video game than blaming a fucked up community.
I don't like the fact that American's obsession with shooting up schools are rubbing off on the rest of the world.
i also blame Marylin Manson his shitty music causes people to go postal.