another song, "Unrequited", By voidaoth


Jan 18, 2008
Okay, here is another Voidaoth song, called "Unrequited"

Guitars: Gibson SG standard->Fender FM212 pre-amp distortion channel->DI->"Edge Sneap" Impulse->Mesa curveeq

Bass: Some weird MIDI ROMpler plugin I found on Fruity loops, don't ask :rolleyes:

Drums: DFHS with Slate snare and bass.

I'm actually to be honest with you not that kind of a mix guy, nor do I have the equipment to record professionally, this is more like to showcase our material since we're looking for a bassist and vocalist (we're from israel BTW :headbang:) anyways I would like for people to point out issues they can hear and help me get the mixes better and give me tips on how to improve my approach to recording :)

thanks in advance!!!:kickass:

as a quick heads up you need to change the link to your song, you left out the .com

as for the song it self I think you need to change something with the drums. it's sounding too much like a mixed set, part acoustic and part sampled. the differences are large and a bit disconcerting. brighter crashes or something might help. a thicker snare would be good too.

the playing however is really tight and focused, you've got the talent from behind the mics for sure.
yes, I know about the drum sounds and I can hear that too, the thing is I don't have a complete set of drum samples that fit eachother in a way that it feels like it's coming from the same room, which is really what I need, and all the cymbal samples on my pc suck :( my drummer talked to me about it alot too, but I have no idea where to get good ones...yea now that you mention also the snare does sound a little tiny, I'll work on that, thanks for the comment about the playing tho :kickass:
sure thing :)

it's a tough act to play though, playing well and recording well. neither come easy, it takes years of practice and if you don't create something original you sound like everyone else. as long as you know whats wrong and how to at least hypothetically go about correcting it, that's experience that is invaluable. once you're at that point the only thing that divides you from the real pros is your wallet.
Think your pushing the limiter a bit to much and clipping! I'm having the same problems cause we all want our mixes to be LOUD! Just thought i would give you the heads up as something to work on.
yeah...overly compressed and loud. I personally would move the hi-hats to the left too. but the drums/cymbals themselves sound a lot better! getting closer bro. killer song regardless.