Answers - Miss May I


New Metal Member
Mar 13, 2011
I'm pretty new to music production, so I hope my question isn't too basic. I have always wondered how to make those kind of vocal fade-ins like in the very beginning of the song. Is it just a special kind of reverb or just part of the vocal in reverse?

Also, I love the snare reverb Sturgis uses in most of his productions for the really big sort of moments. This can be heard at 0:22 during the breakdown. What kind of reverb is this? Because there is a little part (a sort of shh :p ) before the snare is actually hits which makes it sound so good.

Thanks in advance :D

Btw, heres the song for those who dont know it :)
he posted this on the andy sneap forum, do a search for huge snare... and the vocal effect is reverse reverb people really need to learn how to search before posting or this forum is going to go to shit faaaast