Anthrax albums with Joey

You know, for all the years I've been coming here, I don't really recall anyone clamoring on about how Neil Turbin should rejoin the band. ;)

Much clamoring on Blabbermouth about Neil Turbin. Every time they post an Anthrax story:

"Scott and Charlie are fuckheads."

"John, they're just going to fuck you again!" etc.

"Anthrax haven't released anything worth listening to since 'Fistful Of Metal.' Neil Turbin is the true voice of Anthrax."

"Deathriders wipes the floor with Anthrax!"
Neil could be OK...but why he wants to build his career on being an ex-thrax?
...he is a bit like Paul Di'anno...

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Let's name my band after a song or album I did with a band almost thirty years ago. Not to discredit their musical abilities. Di'Anno should have named his band, Women In Uniform.

Deathriders could be a cool name if it had nothing to do with Anthrax. Like, Doomriders. I am Skullrider!
In my opinion the best Joey album is Persistence - regarding the vocals and the sound overall. Back then I was quite disappointed of what came afterwards (SOWN was almost completely different to me even though there are some parallels in the music).

And yes, there is a live version of Armed And Dangerous with John singing - someone posted it four years ago or so.